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目的是想吓走阴魂鬼神。It is meant to frighten off evil spirits.

就算离开一段距离,这种味道依然阴魂不散。But even from a distance those fumes linger.

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无论如何,他不打算阴魂不散。He did not intend, however, to stick around.

难道阴魂还能起来称赞你吗?Do those who are dead rise up and praise you?

因此,一缕阴魂不散,跟定了肖山。Therefore, lingering ray, Xiao Shan with the set.

但那段儿著名的历史仍然“阴魂不散”。But the noteworthy history still haunts this meeting.

希望破灭许久之后,这些词句“阴魂不散”。Long after hope has vanished, these phantom-words remain.

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他告诉我说他父亲的阴魂出现在他的床边。He told me the ghost of his father appeared at his bedside.

士兵们虽然相继死去,但是十字军的阴魂一直未散。Yes, the Crusades died off, but it was regaining popularity.

在宴会期间,人们相信阴魂在满桌的佳肴旁游荡。During the feast, it was believed ghosts hung around the tables of food.

她在这间屋子里阴魂不散,怨恨人们没有好好埋葬她的孩子。She haunts the house, angry that her child did not receive a proper burial.

但是,多哈回合贸易谈判的幽灵阴魂不散,困扰着一些人的思维。But the spectre of the moribund Doha round of trade talks haunts the minds of some.

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现代思想已把死亡的不散阴魂转化为时间概念本身。Modern thought has transferred the spectral character of Death to the notion of time itself.

帕尔帕廷想把莱娅的新生子阿纳金·索洛当作其黑暗阴魂的下一个宿主。Palpatine targeted Leia's newborn son, Anakin Solo, as the next receptacle for his dark spirit.

迷离通达道路的,必住在阴魂的会中。The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead.

不过受徘徊不前的美国经济以及阴魂不散的欧洲债务危机影响,亚洲股市很有可能在新的一年里令投资望而却步。S. economy and Europe's festering debt crisis will likely keep investors on edge well into the new year.

不过,耐多药结核病仍在肆虐,部分原因是原苏联统治的阴魂未散,尤其是其解体所带来的后果。Still, MDR-TB rages, in part because of the ghosts – the legacy of Soviet rule and especially its breakup.

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就在帕尔帕廷的阴魂即将进入阿纳金的身体时,新发现的绝地恩帕托泽约斯·布兰德挡住了他。Before his soul could enter Anakin's body, Palpatine was intercepted by a newfound Jedi, Empatojayos Brand.

去世已久的西斯黑暗尊主——埃克萨·库恩的阴魂,附居在雅文4号卫星的古代神庙中。The shadowy spirit of a long-dead Dark Lord of the Sith, Exar Kun, resided in the ancient temples of Yavin 4.

死后,他的阴魂常在夜里骑马飞奔,到战场上去寻找自己的头颅。After dying, his soul often rides a horse dashing in the night and seeking for his own head in the battlefield.