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批评者说,大坝劳民伤财,又不利于生态环境。Critics say the dams are ecologically unsound white elephants.

综上来看,解放金融部门、摒弃劳民伤财的能源补贴会是个不错的开端。Liberalising financial sectors and scrapping wasteful fuel subsidies would be good ways to begin.

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可以说,这些本不应该发生的已过去的和现在又要作出的努力,是一种不断地劳民伤财。Can say, these this should not happen again already past and present to the efforts, it is a kind of constantly costly.

在我国的市场化进程中,许多地方出现了地方政府出于各种原因新建、改扩建市场而劳民伤财的事件。During the marketization process in China, there has been a lot of events of wasting power and money by the government to build or rebuild markets.

联合国这种和平会议邀请您开了这么多次,一直邀请到您再也不想去开了,一直邀请到您批评这是劳民伤财。The UN has invited you to peace meetings for so many times that you wouldn't want to go, that you criticized that it was a waste of money and labor.

事后男女双方都表示,以后如果再婚,就再也不分离了,离婚真是一件劳民伤财的事。After the event, both sides denoted that they will never separate if they get remarriage, and divorce is such a thing that waste man power and money.

它有利于公共艺术设计精品的不断涌现,有利于最大限度地避免“劳民伤财”的“视觉污染”的层出不穷、恶性循环。It is conducive to quality public art and design continues to emerge in favor of the maximum to avoid "costly" and "visual pollution" of the endless, vicious circle.

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最终由于劳民伤财,天怒人怨,被手下的大将宇文化及杀害在了江都。Final in order to tiring the people and wasting the resources, indignation and discontent, drive the great commander Yu of the under charge civilization and kill at the rivers is all.

而危机处理规程的完善细化、政府的危机处理能力、民众的危机应对能力也是在这一次次看似劳民伤财的演练中不断提高的。The truth is that drills and regulations that otherwise seem useless do in fact strengthen the government's ability to handle crisis situations, and the ability of the public to cope.

这对那些劳民伤财,好大喜功,残民以逞,穷兵黩武者罪恶灵魂的揭露真是洞若观火。It's for those who waste of resources, greatness and success , exploiting the public in order to boast, militarism who expose the evil of the soul hole if the concept is really a fire.