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他一点儿骨气都没有。He has no backbone.

我真的太没骨气了。I really have no guts.

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汤姆做人有骨气。Tom behaved himself like a man.

她莫小豆也是有骨气的!Her Mo Xiaodou also is backboned!

中国人民有骨气。The Chinese people have backbone.

我的主管是一个没骨气的人。My supervisor is a spineless person.

这就是我们阿城人缺少的骨气。This is what we lack the backbone Cheng.

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我们在困难面前显示了骨气。And in the face of danger we are showing our character.

梦到我们在一起了,然后我就很没有骨气的笑醒了。Dreams of us together, then I was spineless laugh awake.

为了人民的事业,忍辱负重,也是另一种骨气。For people, to endure humiliation is another moral integrity.

终于有一个把美国放在第一位的有骨气的总统了!!!!!Finally a president with backbone who puts America first! ! ! ! ! !

记得远离你的暖房,在争取想要的、想做的事情时拿出骨气,不要害怕。Get out of your comfort zone and don’t shy away from confrontation.

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虽然我常常很没志气地羡慕著他人,但我还是有点骨气的。Though I often envy people without aspiration, I still have the spine.

我的主管是一个没骨气的人。他不敢为他做的决定负责。My supervisor is a spineless person. He never stands behind his decisions.

对,我要不进去谈就加不了工资,人家肯定会说我没有骨气。All right, all right, stop goofing around. You need to go talk to your boss.

印度表现出的这种骨气帮助它加强了与越南的关系。The display of backbone helped India strengthen its relationship with Vietnam.

瑞卡兹说罗姆尼通过对中国采取强硬态度已经“展示了一点儿骨气”。Rickards said Romney has "showed a little spine" by taking a tough stance on China.

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哼,罗密欧,你怎么能像一个软弱、没骨气的傻瓜一样屈服!Oh Romeo, how can you act like such a weak, spineless fool and kiss our enemy's feet!

伊拉克人民一穷二白、手无寸铁,但他们还是有骨气的民族,对于外族占领唯一能够做的只有时不时通过炸弹袭击来进行反抗。The only thing they can do as a resistance are those bomb attacks.I do not support those attacks.

希望没有骨气的腐败国大党让出位置后,新的印度政府能表现出一些勇气。Hopefully after spineless corrupt CONgress vacates seat, the new govt. will act with some courage.