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道路折向左方。The road angles to the left.

那球突然转向左方。The ball swerved to the left.

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在你左方第三个转弯处转弯。Take the next turning but two on your left.

拿完所有金块后,唯一的出口是左方最高的梯子。The gold on top of the 7 is the main challenge.

你需要小心左方的来车。You must be careful of cars from the left side.

左方的箭号代表光源。The arrow at the left represents the light source.

她在办公室左方的画室作画。She paints in her studio to the left of this space.

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向右移动意味着鼠标或文本向向左方移动。Scrolling right means the cursor and text move leftwards.

前方、右方和左方,到处都是军队。Everywhere, to right, to left, and in front were soldiers.

至于光盘,则是在键盘的左方。Optical disc drive, located on the left hand side of the keyboard.

你可以在球的左方或者是后方做空挥。You can make a practice swing behind the ball or next to the ball.

左方为开业于1907年的永安公司,该建筑物于1970年代中才重建。On the left is the Wing On Co. of 1907, which was rebuilt in mid 1970s.

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在下一个房间内消灭蜘蛛,接着去左方的房间。Exterminate spider in the next room, immediately after go to the room of left.

很快的把两个敌人困在金块左方的双重陷阱中。Quickly get the first two enemies into the double pit to the left of the gold.

金星左方就是以明亮毕宿五为顶点的V字形恒星团。Left of Venus, the bright star Aldebaran anchors the V-shaped Hyades star cluster.

左方的英美烟草公司于1977年改建为伊利莎白大厦。The British-American Tobacco Co. on the left was rebuilt to the Elizabeth House in 1977.

然而主将布勒朝左方的外场守场员猛击出一个长球,竟把基尔达尔街俱乐部的玻璃窗给打碎了。Still captain buller broke a window in the kildare street club with a slog to square leg.

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如果沿顺时针方向走,就会发现这个曲面在左方,或者用右手定则来判断。If you walk clockwise, you will see that the surface is to your left or use the right-hand rule.

这一次向右走,看过右边的两份文书后,进入左方的房间。Rightwards walk this time, get into leftward room after once seeing two clerks of the right side.

这独特的化妆沙加强了岩石以及左方和右方的高地。This sad has picturesque powered some rocks and plateaus of both left and right sides of the layout too.