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请多多指教。I beg you to teach me.

希望大家多多指教。We hope you can teach.

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至少能指教我它的含意吧?Or at least its meaning?

请您多多指教。Kindly give us your advice.

午市首天的餐牌,请多多指教!Lunch menu for the first day!

难免紧张出错,多多包涵与指教。Some tension, and got bit wrong.

好了,现在可以悉听指教了。什么事?OK, I'm all yours now. What's up?

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幸会,我是约翰,请多指教。Nice to meet you! My name is John.

关于那件事,他给了我一些指教。He gave me his counsel in the matter.

请指教鸟名,谢谢。Plesae help with the bird ids, thanks.

谢谢您的批评与指教。Thank you for your comments and directions.

最后由衷感谢您的评论与指教。Finally, thanks for your review and comment.

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尚希不吝指教。We hope that you will not stint your criticism.

如果您觉得我中文太烂我也会虚心听您指教。If you think my Chinese sucks please also teach me.

我必以善道正路指教你们。And I will teach you the way that is good and right.

希望能在班上大家能多多指教,谢谢!Hope to you can teach a lot in the class, thank you!

大家好,我是来自香港的,多多指教。Hello, I'm a new member from Hong Kong, nice to meet you.

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现将我公司新的报价表发给您,请指教!Now my company send you a new offer sheet, please advise!

我是程婧婧,初次见面,请多多指教。I am the way Jing Jing, first meeting, please exhibitions.

埃辛和阿什利科尔在莫里尼奥指教切尔西时,都曾在他帐下效力。Both Essien and Cole played for Mourinho in his Chelsea days.