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我知道周日湖人将疯狂反扑。I know the Lakers will come out hopping on Sunday.

中村怒杀苏金荣,疯狂反扑。Village anger kills Su Jinrong in, kickback wildly.

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惊破天摧毁红蜘蛛,领霸天虎反扑地球。Galvatron destroys him and leads the Decepticons against Earth.

本赛季最后时刻的反扑展示出这支球队的个性。The late come-backs this season show that this team has character.

结果商界游说团反扑,加中关系冷却。The business lobby pushed back, and Canada-China relations were chilled.

马刺最后时刻的反扑也告无功而返,被迫缴械投降。The last time the Spurs have been nothing back, was forced to surrender.

在第四节又用一次上篮彻底压制了湖人的反扑。He turned back Los Angeles' final push in the fourth quarter with another layup.

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连长率领战士们反击敌人一次又一次的反扑。The company leader led his men against the repeated counterattacks of the enemy.

如果你能击中他的眼睛,他就会凶猛地进行反扑,这样就会耗尽他的体力。If you can hit him on his eye he will strike out wildly,which would exhaust his strength.

后程反扑的76人队在比赛最后不到一分钟的时候曾将比分迫近到只差3分。The Sixers made a late charge and pulled to within three with less than a minute left to play in the game.

虽然劫掠者风筝掉了第一波防守力量,但是通过跃迁增援而来的星灵部队抵挡住了人类的反扑。The marauders kite the first wave of defenders away but newly-warped-in units finish off the terran attack.

但面对擅长的个人赛美国队一开赛就展现反扑气势连胜不止。But as soon as competition resumed, the U. S. team, which excels at individual scoring, went on a winning streak.

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当德国人最终意识到盟军的作战意图时,已经来不及组织援军反扑了。When the Germans were clear of the real intention of the Allies at last, it was too late to organize reinforcements.

第一局中李奋起反扑,但林聚精会神,积极打出网前球结束第一局。Lee clawed his way back in the first, but Lin held his nerve, aggressively attacking the net to wrap up the first game.

他说,随着盟军摧毁反叛分子的安全庇护所并压缩他们的活动空间,他们一定会进行反扑。As allied forces take away the insurgents’ safe havens and reduce their freedom of movement, they will fight back, he said.

日寇不甘心在中国战场上的失败,他们准备发动更野蛮更灭绝人性的反扑。The Japanese aggressors unwilling failure on the battlefield in China, they are going to launch a more brutal emerging of humanity.

每当未经训练的杂牌叛军试图进行一场反扑时,空军轰炸都会阻止他们重新集结。Aerial bombardment, too, prevented ill-trained irregulars from regrouping each time they tried to mount an effective counter-attack.

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但是孝庄政权没有及时利用地方豪强,缺乏足够的武力对付尔朱集团的反扑,最终被迅速颠覆。Finally, without the timely help form the local powers, Xiaozhuang Regime was overturned by the remaining forces of Er Zhurong bloc.

阿巴斯少将还说,巴基斯坦军队也部署在整个西北地区,以防备这次攻势引发敌方反扑。General Abbas also says the military has forces deployed throughout the northwest in case there is a backlash against the offensive.

但在那个晚上的第四节,这种怒视变成一把匕首刺向掘金,而原来静静的站着变成了昂首阔步的得分,就这样,掘金根本没有机会反扑。But in the fourth quarter that night, the glare became a dagger, and the stalk became a swagger, and the Nuggets never stood a chance.