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大会胜利闭幕。The conference has concluded successfully.

为期三天的中央经济工作会议周日在北京闭幕。The 3-day Central Economic Working Conference ended at Beijing.

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脱下你的戏衣,你的戏剧在本人的世界曾经闭幕!Takes off your play clothes, your play already ended in mine world!

所有费用和闭幕前将自掏口袋低收入下午代管。All closing costs and pre-paids will be paid out of pocket at escrow.

华文班将会在举办闭幕典礼给所有学员及教员。A Closing Ceremony will be held by Mandarin Class for all students and tutors.

第七届贝加尔国际经济论坛12日在伊尔库茨克开幕,将于14日闭幕。Seventh International Baikal Economic Forum opening 12 in Irkutsk, will be 14.

10月22日晚,金鸡百花电影节闭幕酒会在合肥世纪金源酒店举行。A closing buffet party was held in Empark Grand Hotel on the night of October 22.

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在七人榄球赛上,一队从美国来的乐队在后台作最后练习,准备在闭幕时表演。An American band is having a dress rehearsal for the closing ceremony at Rugby Seven.

最后,我宣布北京2008年残奥运动会闭幕Finally the time has come for me to declare the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games closed.

有些教友则表示自己要上班,所以祇能在周末或大运会开幕、闭幕放假期间到堂区帮忙。Some other parishioners who have to work on weekdays said they will help at weekends.

第5届东亚运动会闭幕典礼13日晚在香港举行。The closing ceremony of the 5th East Asian Games was held Sunday evening in Hong Kong.

就在今天,两会在一片祥和欢快的气氛里圆满闭幕了。Today, in an auspicious and cheerful atmosphere, the Two Sessions concluded successfully.

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让我们再来谈谈刚刚闭幕的极为重要的曼谷气候谈判。Flash forward to the high-stakes climate negotiations that have just wrapped up in Bangkok.

莎莎是一个有六个步骤,包括八步舞和打在一旁和闭幕。The salsa is an eight beat dance with six steps and includes stepping to the side and closing.

大师更会指导同学准备个人作品在8月28日在K11举行的周大福红砖夏日艺术节闭幕礼中演出。Students may have the opportunity to perform at the closing event held on Aug 28 at K11 Concepts.

群星中包括奥黛娃,一位在闭幕晚会上进行表演的南非歌唱舞蹈家。Among the biggest stars was Odiva, a South Africansinger-dancer who performed at the closing gala.

在她去世考文特花园和哲瑞雷恩日闭幕,作为她的记忆赞扬他们的门。On the day of her death Covent Garden and Drury Lane closed their doors as a tribute to her memory.

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指定日期还包括世博闭幕前的10月1日—7日。Other specially designated days include October 1-7 and the week preceding the closure of the Expo.

继“2005中法文化年”顺利闭幕之后,意大利又如约而至。After the concluding of2005 China& France Culture Year, China& Italy Culture Year comes as appointed.

近200个国家的代表于周一在天津开会,大会于周六闭幕。Delegates from nearly 200 countries began their meeting in Tianjin on Monday. The talks end Saturday.