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讨论欧美流行音乐!I love occident music!

欧美经典,家居艺术。Europe-USA Classics, Home Arts.

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多欣赏欧美电影并且听听英文歌曲。Try more English movies and songs.

汇集40首欧美流行歌曲,唱出你的心声!Sing Your Heart Out, 40 Huge Hits Featuring!

我就是在她的影响下喜欢上欧美音乐的。She is lovely, she is smart, and she like music.

你来欧美达学习后发生了哪些变化?What changes happened to you after studying here?

即使现在不好,将来总会好的。听过欧美音乐的人一定会知道…Even if it's not okay right now, one day it will be.

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我由赴欧美之行中获得很多好处。I profited greatly by my travels in Europe and America.

产品主要出口到欧美及澳大利亚。Our production mainly export to Occident and Australia.

听欧美歌曲,我更多地是为了抒发对世界的迷惘和反抗。Cause love is just another world for trust so hear me when I say.

他说,这一事实对于欧美也有糟糕的影响。This, he says, may have grim repercussions for America and Europe.

今天向亲们介绍欧美风的服装。Today, I'd like to introduce you to euramerican style of clothing.

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欧美每年商品服务贸易额都达数万亿美元。We trade about a trillion dollars in goods and services each year.

为什么欧美没有试着解放克里米亚和乌克兰东部?Why doesn'tthe US and Europe try tofree Crimea or Eastern Ukraine?

欧美没有变矮,但亚非拉长高了。Europe does not grow shorter, but the Asian-African elongated high.

产品主要出口市场为欧美及东南亚地区。Product main export markets for Europe, America and Southeast Asia.

我们为欧美公司进军中国牵线搭桥!We are here to provide the services to bridge the west to the east.

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出口到欧美数个国家。Our products have exported to several Amerian and European countries.

西方以欧美为代表,其文化同样源远流长。Western European represented, and its culture also has a long history.

我们中的大部分不仅要上班,要照顾家人,还要料理各种生活琐事欧美经典摇滚。Most of us have jobs to go to, families to care for, and errands to run.