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她是一个情场高手。She is a real flirt.

所有人都在说汤姆是个情场高手。Everybody says Tom is a lady-killer.

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他自认为自己是情场老手。I think he believes he is invincible.

⊙、女人不具备笑傲情场的条件。Women do not have graced the love condition.

讽刺的是,欺骗在情场和战场上却被认为是理所当然的。It is ironic that deception is considered 'fair in love and war'.

当我情场失意时,在我身旁的还是你!When my affection field is frustrated, in me beside still is you!

或者看破红尘,游戏情场,成为女人恨恨的那种男人。Possibly, be cynical , play feeling becomes that woman regret man.

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或者看破红尘,游戏情场,成为女人恨恨的那种男人。Or Kanpo Red Dust, games market conditions, a woman Henhen the kind of men.

无趣的公司职员摇身一变成了口技了得的情场浪子。The boring office guy transforms into a passionate lover of giving oral sex.

飞机在情场中东奔西跑,动情快,但也放不开。Aircraft in the field love to run around, worked up quickly, but can not relax.

一般来说,我不觉得她是一个喜欢约会、喜欢游戏情场的人。In general, I don't think she's a person that loves to date and play the field.

但你怎么可以这么熟练呢,一看就知道是情场老手,哼。But why are you so professional in that . you looked you are a old stager in love.

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在过去那些日子里,我会把情场得意的情形,毫不保留的告诉他。In days of yore I had shared with him the minutest details of my amorous triumphs.

从那以后我也看破了红尘,成了和旋一样的情场高手。Since then, I also see through the Red Dust, has become the same in love and spin masters.

灯红酒绿,照穿男人花心,情场作戏,最怕女人多情!Neon, according to wear men flower heart, love burlesque, the most afraid of woman amorous!

人们在审视他们时,往往怀疑他们怯于承担责任,或者干脆把他们看作些情场上的失意人。People look at them and wonder if they are "afraid of commitment" or just "unlucky in love".

他看起来“久经情场”,总是告诉我追女孩是一门艺术。He seems like an experienced man in love and he always tells me that chasing skirts is an art.

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作者认为理性的考虑是无处不在,甚至适用于情场,或许仅适用于情场。The author sees rational calculation everywhere—even, or perhaps especially, in matters of love.

就像字面上的意思一样,每一季的节目都会有一个情场失败者,最后意外的成为把妹大师。Much like its characters, it began the season as a silent underdog, only to have mastered the ratings.

你交女朋友了,你一定好喜欢她吧,你情场又转运得意了,我此时只愿考场不失意就好。You hand in a girlfriend, you must love her, you love and transporter complacent, I now only frustrated good exam.