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我看见那颗星星了!I see the star!

找回星星。Recover tde star.

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星星散布在天空上。Stars stud the sky.

他在他的船体上用星星作装饰。He starred his boat.

那星星可以用肉眼看见。The star is visible.

星星,星星,高挂在天空。Star, star, in the sky.

星星,又高又远。Star, star, up and far.

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把金星星放在树顶。Put the gold star on top.

你可以向星星祈祷。You can wish upon a star.

比王冠的星星更加光耀。Than the stars of diadems.

让我们谈谈星星。Let's talk about the stars.

星星在睡莲中开放。Stars open among the lilies.

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现在,我变成了那颗星星。Now, I have become that star.

星星渐渐地从天空中消失了。Stars faded out from the sky.

紫色黄昏里是闪闪的星星。Stars in the purple gloaming.

星星能转世吗?But can the stars reincarnate?

它的旗子有星星和线条图纹。Its flag has stars and strips.

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星星在天空中闪烁。Stars were winking in the sky.

花一些时间向星星许愿吧。Take time to wish upon a star.

他们的眼睛象星星那样闪烁。Their eys twinkled like stars.