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石头裂了。The stone cracked.

石头砸死蜥蜴。Rock crushes lizard.

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看,那石头已被滚开了!See the moved stone!

李石头这人怎么样?。What's Stone Lee like?

石头存在于我们的周围。Stone is all around us.

那些男孩扔石头打狗。The boys stoned the dog.

谁愿意把这些石头堆起来?Who will heap the stones?

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我们都坐在石头上。and sitting on the stone.

运石头车服务工厂。Rock handler service shop.

但是这要视石头而定。But it depends on the stone.

我能爬那些石头墙吗?Can I climb the stone walls?

他向狗扔了块石头。He threw a stone at the dog.

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他向狗扔石头。He threw the stone at a dog.

这座桥是石头制砌的。The bridge is made of stone.

那石头砸到你哪儿了?Where did the stone get you?

他拾起一块石头,把它扔了出去。He took a stone and threw it.

我用的石头更多的是菱形。Mine are more lozenge shaped.

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那所房子是石头造的。That house is built of stone.

那个男孩被一块石头绊了一下。The boy tripped over a stone.

这座桥是由石头建造的。The bridge is made of stones.