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力排众议之时,他常有倍受人身攻击之感。When overcoming objections, he often "experiences" as personal attacks.

尽管如此,他仍应该试图力排众议,为美国经济搬来更多的救兵。Still, he should be trying to push through as much aid to the economy as possible.

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林肯总统注意到这个力排众议、支持联邦的田纳西州人士。President Lincoln noticed the man from Tennessee who supported the Union over the opposition of others.

张玉成力排众议,决定将错就错,大肆树立枪王品牌,让前原佳彦深感困扰。Zhang Yucheng Lipaizhongyi, decided the wrong, wantonly set gun brand, let Maehara Kahiko feel troubled.

只有他看到了合并的好处,并力排众议,成功重组了克莱斯勒。He alone saw the benefits that would come from a merger and then overcame enormous skepticism to rebuild Chrysler and make it possible.

印度政府力排众议于近期上调了燃料价格以减少消耗政府补贴,这一举动鼓励了投资者。The recent hike in fuel prices to reduce draining government subsidies, despite staunch opposition , has been encouraging for investors.

法布雷加斯已经要求队友力排众议、强势起来,试图在冠军争夺战中挽回主动。Cesc Fabregas has urged his team-mates to shut out the critics and be strong as they try to wrestle back the initiative in the title race.

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美国众议院力排众议,支持奥巴马总统提出的医疗改革方案。The US House of Representatives has backed a healthcare bill in a step towards reforms promised by President Obama, despite strong opposition.

英语文学之父杰弗瑞乔叟,力排众议,坚持用英文写作。The great Geoffrey Chaucer, often called the Father of English Literature, took the bold decision to reject literary convention and write in English.

基于这一坚定的信念,在1943年年初展开的突尼斯战役中,艾森豪威尔力排众议,毅…Be based on this one sturdy belief , in the Tunisia campaign that the beginning of the year launched 1943, eisenhower prevail over all dissenting views, the U. S.

力排众议后,罗斯福因罢免了一些银行家而受到好评,他声称正式这些人造成了大萧条。1933年3月4日,在他的第一次就职演说中,他宣布。With strident language Roosevelt took credit for dethroning the bankers he alleged had caused the debacle. On March 4, 1933, in his first inaugural address, he proclaimed.