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但是,本周似乎没有人急于邀功。Still, no one seemed eager this week to take credit for honoring Mr.

现在,我们两个也没有一个人出来邀功说发明了这个术语设计思考。Now, neither of us make any claim to having invented the term design thinking.

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他们每年也会以此向老板邀功并获得加薪。And they go to their boss every year and get a raise because they've done that.

工作表现出色的他从不热衷于争风邀功。He's never been all that interested in getting credit for the terrific work he does.

艾米莉是每个曾经在商务会议上听着别人拿她的工作去邀功的妇女。EMILY is every woman who has ever sat at a business meeting while someone else took credit for her good work.

这些协议中有许多在三年前就达成了,但胡先生和奥巴马先生显然急于以此邀功。Many of these deals had been reached as far back as three years ago, but Mr. Hu and Mr. Obama were eager to claim credit.

你随时都可以向领导邀功,不过如果你在不恰当的时候去找经理谈话,还打断了她的工作或惹恼了她的话,那么她就没有心思去听你在说什么了。You can toot your own horn all you want, but if you disrupt or annoy your manager, then she's not going to listen to your points.

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龟井从枪声和炮声中判断有人已经识破了计划,严队长向他邀功,龟井看到死的人多数是学生。Mr Kamei judge someone from gunfire and guns have got wise to plan, yan captain to his credit, Mr Kamei see dead people most are students.

主要受益者是弗拉基米尔·普京,他因给1.42亿俄罗斯国民带来日益繁荣的生活而邀功。The main beneficiary has been Vladimir Putin, who has claimed credit for delivering increased prosperity to Russia's 142 million citizens.

对于善于平衡各党派关系,静候问题解决然后邀功揽耀的默克尔来说算是上天的眷顾了。But that proved to be a blessing for a chancellor skilled at balancing factions, waiting out problems and then taking credit for resolving them.

佩里先生和其他自2003年起占据内阁的立法人员可以因此这些促进商业发展的功绩而邀功。Mr Perry and the Republicans who have dominated both chambers of the legislature since 2003 can claim some credit for all those boosts to business.

你曾经眼睁睁地看着自己的同事把你的点子占为己有而去邀功吗?因为情绪化,开攻击人的玩笑而受到指责吗?开会时谈话经常被人打断吗?Ever watch a colleague take credit for your idea, been accused of being emotional, taken jokes too personally or been interrupted frequently in a meeting?

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从录相带中可以看到,当恶霸在对受害者拳打脚踢时,其它孩子只是漠然地观看,更糟的是,有时,这些孩子也一窝蜂”动手”,向恶霸邀功讨好。The tapes show other kids passively watching as bullies kick and punch victims. Worse, sometimes the other kids all "pile on, " joining in with the bully.

梅子趁酒足饭饱之后偷偷将特战队员的的身份揭穿,镇长一边派人报告,一边召集武装欲将几人抓获邀功。Plum before the meal after secretly will war players of the identity of the exposed, the mayor sent a report, side called armed intends to several people caught fuss.