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但不要被这个简单的假相所欺骗。But don't let the simplicity fool you.

先生,假相当中如何能包含真理?Sir, how can the false contain the truth?

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唯有放下,所有幻觉与假相才得以消失。And that is how illusion and delusion vanishes.

很多外企制造账面亏损假相,实则为逃避税收。They escape tax by the pseudophase of book loss.

当假相不具有欺骗性,这时的心意是什么状态呢?When the false drops away, what then is the state of the mind?

当假相与假相发生冲突,那却是一场非常真实的冲突。Where myth clashes with myth, it is however a very real clash.

被假相迷惑的心意永远不能发现真相。A mind that is confused in the false, can never find the truth.

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世上没有巧合,只有巧合的假相。There are no coincidences, Delia. Only the illusion of coincidence.

然而,右边那个遥远的星系的变形,却是一个假相。The distortion of the galaxy on the far right, however, is an illusion.

公司散布假信息,借以制造假相,误导投资者。The company spread false information as a deception to mislead investors.

理想是假相、虚幻的,使我无法了解我的本质。The ideal is false, fictitious, preventing me from understanding that which I am.

我们的偏见,我们的局限使我们无法了解假相的本质。Our seeing the false as the false is prevented by our prejudice, by our conditioning.

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对轻信者来说,邪恶的假相可能与美好的真相一样有市场。The evil of falsehood can claim as much purchase on the credulous as the good of truth.

而大众传媒在对这一“虚性世界”构成中,对于假相负有责任。The mass propagation should be responsible for the false images creating in this virtual world.

通过如此的所谓“真相”对抗“假相”的堵塞,它就为真理留下了一个空间。By clogging it up with such Truth versus untruth, it leaves little space for the TRUTH to just BE.

因此我必须从如实了解我和观念、人、事物的关系的假相开始。Therefore, I must begin to see the false in my relationships with ideas, with people, with things.

在你懂得了更大的画面时你就会明白,你正在重历的生活事实上是一种假相。In the understanding of the bigger picture you can see that what you are reliving is really an illusion.

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因此,你不再生活在盛行在当前人类关系中的无害假相中。Therefore one can no longer live in the illusion of harmlessness that pervades the current human relations.

你不能从假相当中寻求真理,但是你可以如实观察假相,然后就会从假相中解脱。You cannot seek the truth in the false, but you can see the false as the false, and then there is a release from the false.

这样的整合会帮助我们接受圣灵的教导,藉由宽恕的原则让我们活在这假相的世间中。This integration helps us live within the illusory world under the principle of forgiveness, taught to us by the Holy Spirit.