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应聘者必须拥有令人赏心悦目的体型。Must have pleasant nature.

和体型微胖的朋友聚聚餐Go for dinner with fat friends

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你体型的大小和构成。Your body size and composition.

红袋鼠是体型最大的。The Red Kangaroo is the largest.

体型小的爱宠每餐一包。Small-size pet takes one bag per meal.

北美凸鲈有着梭状的体型。Saugers have a fusiform body structure.

保持体型,锻炼毅力。and get in shape and build up endurance.

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泰勒的沙漏体型被放大了Taylor's Hour-Glass Figure Was Exaggerated

我觉得体型会对一个男人产生威胁。I think men are threatened by his physicality.

他还要求结果要按单体型基因来标出。He also requires that it be sorted by haplotype.

多数的龙体型庞大,浑身带刺。A lot of dragons have giant scales and are spiny.

女性35岁以后体型变化显著。Somatotype obviously changed after 35 in females.

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而体型较大的哥伦比亚猛犸则生活在较远的南方。The larger Columbian mammoth lived further south.

如今,三分之二的男人想拥有像明星一样的体型。Two in three guys now want a shape like a star's.

她有着舞蹈演员那种曼妙匀称的体型。She has the dancer's finely proportioned physique.

海牛体型大,皮肤灰色,生性温和害羞。What do manatees look like? They are big and gray.

麋鹿是鹿科家族中体型最大的成员。The moose is the largest member of the deer family.

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对体型评价方法也进行了讨论。A method of somatotype evalution was also discussed.

它不仅造型让人印像深刻,而且体型巨大。Not only is the form impressive, but so is the size.

体型稍大的雌鱼会在离开巢穴在附近休息。The bigger females tend to hang out and rest nearby.