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体操垫。Gymnastics mats.

就比如,我是体操运动员,Like, I was a gymnast,

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体操运动员有这么强的控制力和纪律性。control and discipline.

他连续做有氧体操数小时。He is aerobicizing for hours.

体操运动员平伸双臂。The young athlete throws well.

我可以让太婆看我表演体操。I can show Nanny my gymnastics.

陈红因为他在体操比赛中拿了很多奖牌。Because he's won lots of medals.

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体操比乒乓球更令人兴奋。Gymnastics is than tabel tennis.

我经常去体操馆锻炼。I often go to a gym for a workout.

凯特一星期练两次体操。Kate does gymnastics twice a week.

体操选手需要良好的平衡感。Gymnasts need a go sense of balance.

我也喜欢体操——还有其他的室内运动。I like it too – and the other indoor

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她有体操运动员轻盈而美丽的体态。She has the lithe grace of a gymnast.

是一名俄罗斯的艺术体操运动员。She is a rhythmic gymnast from Russia.

我是体操运动员,差不多一辈子都是。I was a gymnast for like, my whole life

体操空翻动作之一。One of gymnastics somersault movements.

女生体操选拔赛在今天举行。The girls gymnastics tryouts are today.

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体操运动员在双杠上摆动身子。The gymnast swung on the parallel bars.

体操运动员们在单杠上练习。This is only an exercise in composition.

在第七张画里,一个姑娘在做体操。In Picture 7, a girl is doing gymnastics.