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它已经垂手可得,却稍纵即逝。It is readily available, but fleeting.

看来这个队胜利垂手可得。Victory seemed within the team's grasp.

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但值得做的事儿往往不会垂手可得。But very few things that are worth doing are easy.

当一个更好的方案垂手可得时,力拓便对中铝始乱终弃。It ditched Chinalco when a better option became available.

换句话说,禁书有时也是垂手可得的。In other words, banned books are sometimes readily available.

胡罗卜可塑性的其他证明也垂手可得。Other proof of the plasticity of carrot was also forthcoming.

它就在此地,和你一路,你目前便能够垂手可得,就在此时此刻。It is here with you and accessible to you right now, at this moment.

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“卡特尔是挂得很低的果实,垂手可得”一个机构官员说。"Cartels are the low-hanging fruit, " says an official at the agency.

她的话语垂手可得地征服了民气,她恰是我们要凝听的声音。She was one to be listened to, whose words were so easy to take to heart.

所以,虽然音乐看起来垂手可得,事实上,它却离我们越来越远了。Even though it seems like music is everywhere, it is actually father away.

提供爱与安全的光芒在此时此刻对你们已经垂手可得。The light that provides love and security is available to you here and now.

往往我们认为幸福垂手可得,上天却溘然扔下一个炸弹,让我们避之不及。Often we think of happiness acquire a thing easily, God has passed dropped a bomb, let us avoid.

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从自家的前门到国内国外的山区或沙滩旅游并再返回来,一切都垂手可得。From one's own front door to home or foreign hills or sands and back again, everything is to hand.

身边总是有垂手可得的电烙铁和拆焊设备是十分明智的。It’s very wise to keep a soldering iron, a roll of solder and desoldering equipment handy at all times.

下次当你伸手拿胡椒时,多加一点,好好享受这垂手可得、用之不竭的香料吧。Next time you find yourself reaching for the pepper, add a few extra dashes and enjoy the abundance of it.

竟然,这一次本人垂手可得就跑到那“泊车”标记,但本人想再走远一点。However this time around I managed to reach the stop sign with ease and I figured I would go a little further.

这些「天然」山石的摆设,是为了让人们能有沉淀心灵的片刻,而如此珍贵的时刻,即使在大自然环境中亦非垂手可得。These "natural" stones were meant to provide an occasion for contemplation that nature itself did not necessarily always provide.

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坏男孩就不一样,反正也没有打算负责任,只要自己看上有点姿色的,或是垂手可得,一概追了再说。Not bad boys, anyway, does not intend to responsible, as long as a fancy themselves a bit of pretty, or within reach, all the recovery again.

约半数英国女性供认自己的母亲可以垂手可得地做好全部这些菜。非常之一的女性在不检查食谱书或没有匡助的情况下,连三道菜也做不出。One in 20 even messes up boiling an egg or preparing a cooked breakfast. Around half admitted that their mothers would have easily fixed up any of those dishes.

由于加速了废弃物与毒素的彻底排出,不但可瘦身,白皙水润的美丽肌肤也垂手可得。In order to accelerating a thoroughly ejecting of the wastes and toxin, not only can weight reduction, pure white water smooth beautiful skin is also with extreme ease.