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茎竖立,分枝。The bine is erect, ramose.

茎竖立,分枝较少。The bine is erect, ramose less.

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我们将用什么分枝返回?And what branch were we using back then?

那些树在10英尺高处分枝。Those trees branch at heights of ten feet.

动脉分枝成许多网状的静脉。The artery ramifies into a network of veins.

茎30-60厘米,纤细,分枝很少或没有一个。Stems 30-60 cm, slender, branches few or none.

那两棵古树的上端分枝相互交搭复生。Two old trees overlapped their upper branches.

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直根垂直,稍微加厚,分枝。Taproot vertical, slightly thickened, branched.

其特征形态是微坑、抛物线和裂纹带分枝。The fracture morphology was investigated by SEM.

茎平卧到上升,通常多分枝的。Stems procumbent to ascending, often much branched.

这些植物很早就分枝,因而可以长得非常大。These plants ramify early and get to be very large.

这会将每个商店放在树的不同分枝上。This puts each store on a unique branch of the tree.

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直根黄棕色,拉长圆柱状,不分枝。Taproot yellowish-brown, elongate-terete, unbranched.

这是分枝植株的主茎上长出的侧枝。It. s the lateral shoot from the main stem of a plant.

茎长20厘米,多分枝,茎干上有不规则的角状突出。Stems to 20 cm long, much-branched, irregularly angular.

大白菜种籽产量构成因素中单株分枝数是主要因素。The number of branch was main factor in yield components.

树冠分枝形,树姿直立。The cultivar has ramose crown and upright tree appearance.

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圆锥花序分枝下部的平滑的或疏生粗糙的有棱。Panicle branches proximally smooth or sparsely scabrid angled.

树的每个分枝都对应于元数据的一个方面。Each branch of the tree corresponds to a facet of the metadata.

铃兰为根状茎匍匐并具分枝。Lily of the valley is root shape bine procumbent provide ramose.