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南非高原的天空正在形成来势汹汹的暴风云。An intense storm cloud forms over South Africa's Highveld.

开创菲亚特新纪元,脱胎换骨,来势汹汹,超级雷马1000。Create a new era , the fiat shadowfax, comes viciously , super ray horse 1000.

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蔷蜜台风来势汹汹,您对政府的防台措施满意吗?。Are you satisfied the government's measures on preventing strong typhoon, Jangmi?

究竟凶徒使失眠问题之一来势汹汹睡觉?So what exactly are the culprits that make insomnia one menacing sleeping problem ?

这两枝号代表伊斯兰两回来势汹汹的武装侵略。These trumpets represent a two-phase invasion by fierce armies, the forces of Islam.

老聃觉得这个年青人来势汹汹,似乎是有备而来砸馆的。Laodan detected this young man bearing down menacingly. He seems ready to make trouble.

侵略者来势汹汹,我们要尽快想好应敌之策。The invaders attacked in full fury, and we must think out a strategy to deal with them.

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在未来,如此极端的天气将会更频繁且更来势汹汹的重创加拉加斯。Such extreme weather is projected to hit Caracas more frequently and with increasing force.

巴拉克·奥巴马总统和他所领导的政府曾经向世人承诺将会解决这场来势汹汹的经融危机。President Barack Obama took office promising to lead from the center and solve big problems.

大约午夜时分,我们都还坐着的当儿,暴风雨来势汹汹地在山庄顶上隆隆作响。About midnight, while we still sat up, the storm came rattling over the Heights in full fury.

来势汹汹的联网健康护理设备和智能网络系统必将吸引黑客的注意。The coming wave of connected healthcare gadgets and smart grid systems is sure to attract attention from hackers.

那场衰退本身——人们常常拿它与眼下的衰退相提并论——可谓来势汹汹,但却历时不到两年。The recession itself – one often compared with today's downturn – was savage, but it was over in less than two years.

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在线音乐销售来势汹汹,而新技术使大容量MP3播放器满大街都是。now that online music sales have surged and new technology allows consumers to carry thousands of songs on mp3 players.

她往前走的时候,埋伏在矮树丛里的两个人突然出现在路上,来势汹汹地拦住她的去路。Two men, who had been lurking among some copse, started up as she advanced, and met her on the road in a menacing manner.

今年第15号超强台风“蔷薇”来势汹汹,逐渐向闽浙沿海一带逼近。This year the 15th ultra strong typhoon "wild rose" threatening, approaches gradually to the Fujian and Zhejiang coast area.

她既保留了地区工业之都的地位,同时又是一个来势汹汹的时尚迷你之都,米兰人均来此处购买皮革和布匹。It remains an industrious regional capital and a fierce mini-capital of fashion from where Milan buys its leathers and fabrics.

他们经过一位矮小但来势汹汹的公爵。他鞋上有掌子,用来吸引人注意他的存在。两名凶狠的警卫紧紧地跟着他。They pass a tiny but menacing DUKE, who wears taps on his shoes to "enhance" his presence. Two THUG guards follow close behind him.

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来势汹汹的大火吞噬了横滨和东京的房屋,烧掉了首都的一切和所有人。Then came fires, roaring through the wooden houses of Yokohama and Tokyo, the capital, burning everything—and everyone—in their path.

今年初,由德国领军的欧洲地区经济复苏让外界以为欧元区会抵挡得住来势汹汹的债务危机。At the start of this year a surging recovery, led by Germany, was one reason to think that the euro zone could withstand the debt crisis.

目前取得16胜2负成绩的湖人队来势汹汹,然而向来高调的禅师却低调的宣布这个赛季的湖人队是不可能取得70胜的。The Lakers, who check in at 16-2, recently inspired Coach Phil Jackson to declare them incapable of winning 70 times this regular season.