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同样的真实发生在这次危机之中,大反派就是那些被千夫所指的企业巨子,比如汽车制造商们。The same is true in the current crisis for glowering corporate giants such as carmakers.

然而,唯有亨利遭到千夫所指,一来他逃过了判罚,二来他的手球发生在关键时刻的关键区域。Henry stands alone because he got away with it and did so in a critical area at a key moment.

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奥巴马并不因持续惊人的高失业率和低增长率而被千夫所指。Obama can hardly take all the blame for thesurprising persistence of high unemployment and slow growth.

亢奋的民族主义倾向的特征之一,是标志性人物会突然发现自己处于千夫所指的地位。It's testament to the fever pitch of nationalism that even iconic figures can suddenly find themselves under attack.

从裙带资本主义者到外国货币操控者,这种危机从来都不乏替罪羊,而技术日渐成为千夫所指。Scapegoats, from crony capitalists to foreign-currency manipulators, are in no short supply, but technology is increasingly fingered as a culprit.

杰克•沃纳与牙买加的霍雷斯•布雷尔和圭亚那的科林•克拉斯在VIP包间悠闲自得地喝着饮料,外面这位大佬的名字却为球迷们千夫所指。As Jack Warner enjoyed pre-match drinks in the VIP lounge with Horace Burrell from Jamaica and Colin Klass from Guyana , fans chanted curses against him.

英超联赛激战正酣,一些其他球队的当家球星们就跳出来蔑视利物浦的表现,最近蓝军球员迈克尔巴拉克就成为了千夫所指。Several key players in the unfolding Premier League title drama have played down Liverpool's chances, gobby Blues star Michael Ballack being the most notable.

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该计划命名为千夫所指查尔斯哈特,他们从匿名身为著名波士顿百万富翁,在六个月内利用这种计划于1920年。The eponymous scheme was orchestrated by charles ponzi, who went from anonymity to being a well-known bostonmillionaire in six months using such a scheme in 1920.

虽然通常和切尔西扯到一起的人总是千夫所指,但斯科拉里确实是个太容易让人有好感的人。Bad luck, Big Phil. And they say managing Chelsea is easy. We did like him, though. He was a force for likeability quite broadly — not something Chelsea tend to dabble in.

考虑到国际上的千夫所指,穆斯林兄弟会总部的低调甚至破旧就很好理解。Given the international opprobrium that its name often inspires, perhaps it's not surprising that the brotherhood prefers a low-key, almost shabby feel for its headquarters.

但是在全球性金融危机的背景下,现在执政的共和党成为千夫所指,选民表示他们相信奥巴马处理经济问题的能力。But as the campaign continues amid a global financial crisis, voters are blaming the incumbent party and saying that they have more trust in Mr Obama to handle economic matters.

这时候,贝尼特斯知道球员并不能适合赛季初的比赛,但是他让阿隆索离去已经在最近输球后被千夫所指。At the time, benitez knew the player would not be fit enough to feature early in the season but has seen his decision to letalonso go come under criticism following their recent failings.

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薇芸夹在道义和情感间,无法自拔地等候,第三者的谣言在坊间传开,薇芸成了千夫所指的小三,苦不堪言。Eu non-success clip between moral and emotion, unable to extricate themselves to wait, spread rumors of a third party in anecdotal, small three eu non-success became a lightning rod, suffering.

这些公司中没有一家是特别活跃或者负债累累,千夫所指的世界通信公司称进行申请是为了使其在一次破产申请中能够管理自己的业务而采取的程序性作法。WorldCom. None of the companies concerned is particularly active or debt-laden and the beleaguered company describes the filing as a formality to enable it to administer its whole business in one go.