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那么,立冬时节如何养生?Then, the beginning of winter season how health?

今天是二十四节气里的立冬。Today is the Beginning of Winter in 24 solar term.

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在立冬前后吧,他又喝醉。Round about the beginning of winter he got drunk again.

今年立冬正好是周末,让爸妈都来咱家吃饭,团圆团圆!Lidong is right in the weekend this year, we'll invite our parents, have a big reunion!

立冬作为24节气之一,在中国文化中标志着冬天的开始。Lidong is one of the 24 solar terms which marks the beginning of winter in Chinese culture.

立冬将至,全国大部地区居民都感受到丝丝寒意。Beginning of winter approaching, residents of most areas of the country felt the slightest chill.

最坚决的讨厌穿袜子的人从春分开始一直到立冬都不会穿袜子。The most hard-core sock haters refuse to wear them from the spring equinox until the first day of winter.

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他开玩笑说,在这里,袜子是一种正式的穿著。最坚决的讨厌穿袜子的人从春分开始一直到立冬都不会穿袜子。The most hard-core sock haters refuse to wear them from the spring equinox until the first day of winter.

而立春、立夏、立秋、立冬则反映了四季的开始。Start of Spring, Start of Summer, Start of Autumn and Start of Winter show the starts of the four seasons.

传统节日我们都得重视,其实立冬在古代还是很重要的。We should respect all the traditional festivals. Actually, Lidong was kind of valuable in the ancient times.

立冬是冬季的第一个节气,进入这一时节,天地万物活动都趋向休止,准备蛰伏过冬。It is the first solar term in winter, in this season, myriad activities tend to repose to the dormant winter.

现在已是立冬过后了,太阳光的辐射少了,是很适合户外嗮太阳的。It is now after the beginning of winter, and less sunlight radiation, and is very suitable for outdoor sun sai.

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因为迟于约定时间赶到,不明情况的夏立冬只身进入了鬼楼。Because arrive at conventional time behindhand, the Xia Lidong of unidentified circumstance entered ghost building alone.

看来,立冬不仅仅代表冬天的来临,完整地说,它是表示冬季开始,万物收藏,规避寒冷的意思。It not only represents the winter winter, complete said, it is the beginning of winter, all things, to avoid the coldness.

“立冬”意味着冬天的到来,秋季丰收的作物全部收藏入库,是冬季的第一个节气。Start tof Winter is the first solar term of winter, which means winter is coming and crops harvested in autumn should be stored up.

恐怖的景象接二连三地发生,夏立冬以为自己所经历的就是鬼楼的真相。Ground of bloodcurdling picture in quick succession happens, what Xia Lidong thinks what he experiences is the truth of ghost building.

因为立冬是秋冬季节之交,在北方,特别是老北京人、天津人都爱吃饺子。Because Beginning of Winter is at the turn of seasons, in the northern China, Beijing and Tianjin in particular, people prefer to eat Jiaozi on the day.

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最初只有夏至、冬至,随后逐渐增加了春分、秋分及立春、立夏、立秋、立冬。Later added were the Spring Equinox, the Autumnal Equinox, the Beginning of Spring, the Beginning of Summer, the Beginning of Autumn and the Beginning of Winter.

立冬之际气候逐渐转冷芽梢渐缓生长,叶片变的厚实,制作出来的茶叶滋味醇厚香气浓烈。Weather starting to turn cold, cause tea buds slow down its growing, and make leafs more thick, the tea produced in this season have thick taste and strong scent.

如今,立冬时节南方人爱吃些冬令进补的菜,比如姜母鸭、麻油鸡等。At present, Beginning of Winter is the best time for taking winter tonic like dishes of stewed duck with wine and ginger and Sesame Oil Chicken in the south of China.