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而其余的都是无用的东西。The rest is dross.

其余的都是废话。All the rest are hogwash.

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其余的要支付给杨博士学费。The rest are paid for by Dr.

其余的人随后就加入到我们中来。The others will join us later.

除了一个出口外,其余的出口都被封了。He found all but one exit blocked.

他和其余的选手站成一排。He lined up with the rest of them.

其其余计划尚不明确。Its other plans are less specific.

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其余的时间我都在条件性地对周围事物做出反应。The rest of the time I'm reacting.

我们其余的人紧张地一笑。The rest of us chuckled nervously.

其余全是漩涡和褶边。All the rest is swirls and ruffles.

其余的都是正方形或长方形的。The rest are square or rectangular.

卡的其余部分未格式化。The rest of the card is unformatted.

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先从最好的开始,再管其余的.Start with the best, forget the rest.

其余的人想安安稳稳的过日子。The rest of us want to live in peace.

他们其余的人能随后就来。All the rest of them are coming later.

他把赌注只押在一匹马而不押在其余的赛马上。He bet on one horse against the field.

沙威问其余的匪徒。Javert asked the rest of the ruffians.

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和其余的你的名字是许娟吗?And the rest of your name is Hui Juan ?

而其余部分将汇到你的Paypal账户。The rest goes into your PayPal account.

呈请书的其余部分如下所示。The rest of the petition follows below.