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加上椰子油?With coconut oil?

这辆车燃料为椰子油。This one runs on coconut oil, too.

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菜油不错,玉米油和椰子油不好Canola Oil Good, Corn and Coconut Oils Bad

氢化反式脂肪或愈合椰子油?Hydrogenated Trans Fat or Healing Coconut Oil?

月桂油的供应取决于椰子油和棕榈仁油的产量。So the supply of lauric oils will be more difficult.

冷榨椰子油多由新鲜椰子制成。Cold pressed coconut oil from more than made fresh coconut.

女孩子们可在脸上涂抹椰子油入睡。Ladies, try sleeping with coconut oil on your face at night.

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椰子油是我最喜欢的天然护肤油之一。Virgin coconut oil is one of my favorite natural skin care oils.

她有32颗牙,用一种特别的椰子油洗头。She washed her hair with a special coconut oil and slept in a closet.

它主要来源于母乳、牛奶、棕榈仁油和椰子油。It mainly comes from breast milk, milk, palm kernel oil and coconut oil.

椰子油系从椰子果实中提取的一种芳香性食用油。Department of coconut oil extracted from the coconut fruit of an aromatic oil.

适当的泡沫了非常漂亮,并已全天然的成分,包括椰子油!Lathers up very nicely and has all-natural ingredients, including coconut oil!

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当然,椰子肉、椰子油也都可以被食用且对人体有益!And, of course, the flesh and oil of the coconut is also edible and good for you!

有些粉底中含有矿物油、椰子油、可可油等油类。Some foundations include oil, such as mineral oil, coconut oil, and cocoa butter.

矿物油,葵花油,与椰子油对于预防发质受损的效果。Effect of mineral oil, sunflower oil, and coconut oil on prevention of hair damage.

由于椰子油是饱和油,烹调加热不会产生自由基。Since coconut oil is saturated oil , cooking heating does not produce free radicals.

椰子油和橄榄油,在制做肥皂方面来说是没有什麽分别的。Soap that is made of vegetable oils, such as olive oil, are generally termed castile soap.

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在通过使用椰子油代替柴油作为燃料方面,瓦努阿图是世界的领先者。Vanuatu is a world leader in the adoption of coconut oil as a replacement for diesel fuel.

共同体贸易有机冷榨椰子油来自萨摩亚的滋润和软化皮肤。Community trade organic cold pressed coconut oil from Samoa moisturizes and softens the skin.

它是由棕榈油或椰子油,或者无患子籽油,与依兰油混合而成。It is made of palm oil or coconut oil, or of Schleichera trijuga, mixed with ylang-ylang oil.