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是重活,他都抢着干。He robs of all heavy work.

女孩子也干不了什么重活。The girls also do heavy work.

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爸爸把大部分重活都包了。My father did most of the heavy work.

他身体壮得可以干任何重活。He is strong enough for any heavy work.

他从不让他弟弟干重活。He never makes his brother do heavy work.

仅仅在干重活的时候使用洗衣机和干燥机。Use washers and dryers for full loads only.

现在许多重活都由机器来干了。A lot of heavy work is done by machines now.

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他很心疼他的妻子,从不让她干重活。He loves his wife very much and never lets her do heavy work.

是的,每个人都得拼命干活。爸爸把大部分重活都包了。Yes, Everyone pitched in. My father did most of the heavy work.

朱氏偏爱亲生儿子,常令王祥干重活、吃糙饭。Zhu favores one's own son, often make Wang Xiang dry hard work, meal eating coarse.

由于长时间的重活和欠缺足够的食物与照顾,伊克巴尔比一般的孩子矮小。Due to long hours of hard work and insufficient food and care, Iqbal was undersized.

我有两个稗子面馍馍的贮存,还是愿意干重活的。I still had two barnyard grass-made bun stock, so I would like to do some taskworks.

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颈椎炎除了不能干重活外,还应注意哪些?Cervical vertebra is phlogistic besides not able hard work, what should still notice?

为节约钱,这个从没干过重活的城里人,每天都要亲手砌砖。To save money, the city dwellers have never done hard work, bricklaying hand every day.

工厂、办公室、农场上的很多单调工作都会由机器来完成,因此没人会再做重活了。Machines will do the dull jobs on farms and in factories and offices, so no one will do heavy job.

一天老二进山打柴跌伤了腿,从此不能干重活。One day her second child into the mountains firewood falls his leg, he could no longer do heavy work.

她的家庭相当贫困,经常住在帐篷里,她小小年纪就要干重活累活。Her family was quite poor, oftenliving in tents, and the work she was required to do at a young age arduous.

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在农场,我们每日里干些平整大田、挖渠和修水库的重活。Every day on the farm, we did heavy labor, such as leveling the field, digging dikes, and building a reservoir.

因此,这是一个非常危险的行业,尤其对于那些被迫干重活的年幼儿童来说,更是如此。And so it is a very dangerous industry, especially for small children who are forced to do very difficult labor.

这可能需要你投入进去,做些牺牲,坚定不移,以及挽起袖子干重活的精神。This may require you to throw in some willing sacrifices, steadfast perseverance, and rolled-up-sleeve hard work.