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她的脸因鼻子残损而破相。Her face was disfigured by a broken nose.

她脸上一条红色的长疤使她破相了。Her face was disfigured by a long red scar.

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如果她破相了,不要幸灾乐祸的看着她。Don't look at her funny if her face is breaking out.

他的嘴一定是在事故中破相了。His mouth must also have been disfigured in the accident.

他的嘴一定是在事故中破相了。His face was disfigured by the burns he received in the accident.

现在,这名险些让奥巴马破相的人被网友“人肉”了出来。Now, this was almost disfigured people Obama is friends, "flesh" out.

Music在这里为大家送上一首容祖儿的破相,希望大家会喜欢。欣赏的话也请大家推荐给朋友们观赏,谢谢!With the opportunity, I brought a Joey's song to you, hope you will like it, please help me share it out to your friends, thanks for watching!

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在邻近的一个房间这些破相黄金已经打包装好,然后运到一个秘密的地方,在那里它们将被融化,并重新铸造得光滑整齐。In a nearby room pallets of it are being packed up and shipped to an undisclosed location, where the bars will be melted down and recast in prettier forms.

各级政府根据他们的方便可以建破相干部分来解决学校反应的问题并采取必要措施。Respective governments as per there convenience can establish a department to address the cases which they receive from the schools, colleges and take the necessary steps.

在经历了70年代的几部反响平平的电影后,罗伯茨在1981年遭遇了一次可怕的车祸,使他陷入昏迷3日而且严重破相。After a handful of mildly successful films in the ’70s, Roberts was in a horrible crash in 1981 which put him in a coma for 3 days and significantly altered his appearance.

他们坐在轮椅上、扶手椅里或是木长凳上,所有人的瘦弱的布满针眼的胳膊上都连着输血管,有些人的脸上还带有破相的痕迹。They sat in wheelchairs, armchairs , on wooden benches, all with blood transfusions dripping into their thin and blotchy arms. Some had strange disfiguring marks on their faces.