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谁曾殖民过加拿大?By whom was Canada settled?

过去我们为非殖民化而战。We fought for decolonization.

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“殖民”一词广为流传。The word “colonial” is bandied about.

也许欧洲殖民化就是错误的。Maybe the European colonization isn't right.

苔藓虫是有趣的殖民动物。Bryozoans are interesting colonial creatures.

我的意思是,我们已经存在,但还没有殖民化。I mean we were, but we weren't colonized yet.

在高原建立一个殖民和寺庙。Build a Settlement and Temple on your plateau.

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早期人类向亚洲迁徙殖民的过程,就进行了两次。Early humans did, colonising Asia in two waves.

英法都木有殖民过利比亚。Neither France nor Britain ever colonized Libya.

我怕已向我的脑袋殖民的捣蛋鬼。I fear the gremlins that have colonized my brain.

到了1968年,在非殖民化之后,联合国有了126个成员。By 1968, after decolonisation, it had 126 members.

殖民的芸术是没有特例的。The art of colonizing is no exception to the rule.

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新加坡是一个出众的后殖民社会。Singapore is a postcolonial society par excellence.

这个殖民政策产生了深远的影响。The colonial policy exerted far-reaching influence.

荷兰是印民在殖民时期的宗主国。The Netherlands is Indonesia's former colonial master.

在殖民政策前两性关系是什麽样子?What were gender relationships like before colonialism?

巴基斯坦的亵渎神明法发端于殖民时代。Pakistan's blasphemy laws date back to the colonial era.

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他们了解殖民、革命还有移民。They have known colonization, revolution and emigration.

在殖民政策前两性关系是什么样子?What were gender relationships like before colonialism ?

因为否则不算是殖民,倒成了灭民了。For else, it is rather an extirpation, then a plantation.