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那项建议当即遭到拒绝。The proposal was summarily dismissed.

明当即昏迷,被送往医院。Ming is concussed and goes to hospital.

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她当即做了这些评述。She had made these remarks offhandedly.

我当即就完全明白他的意思。I understood right away exactly what he meant.

我当即尴尬万分,惊呆了,一句话都说不出来。I was so embarrassed that I froze and said nothing.

我的公司当即就翻身了。Right away, then obviously my company turned around.

当即,炼金术士的披风和蒸馏罐马上成为时尚,其价格立刻扶摇直上。The price of alchemist capes and retorts skyrocketed.

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她当即觉得我愚钝不可教,但还是回答了我。She answered me like the obtuse child she decided I was.

一个男孩被一辆卡车从身上压过去,当即死亡。A boy was run over by a truck and got killed immediately.

大成当即决定偷拿这笔钱去赌博。Dacheng immediately decided to steal the money to gamble.

陈三炮听到以后大喜过望,当即同意了。Chen heard after three guns overjoyed, immediately agreed.

那个敌军官因头部中弹当即倒毙。Hit on the head, the enemy officer dropped dead instantly.

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当即叮嘱石敢当好好调查女杀手的去向。Immediately told stone I dare to survey murderesss whereabouts.

你不能再等了——换言之,你得当即启程。You can't wait anymore-in other words, you should start at once.

阿加西当即向他开始提问,想了解他都知道些什么。Agassiz immediately began to question him to find out what he knew.

一旦找到行李,请当即送到我勾留的饭馆。Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as you've located it.

是你知道当即使你生病也会有人关心你服侍你的安全感。It's the knowing-folks-who-would-bring-you-soup-if-you-got-sick part.

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我们当即决定午餐的时候还在那里碰面,但他再也没有出现。We agreed to meet back at the diner for lunch, but he never showed up.

当她听到她的儿子在战争中牺牲的消息时,她当即昏死过去了。When she heard that her son died in the war, she was out like a light.

清岺发现自己送错了花,当即就转身离开了。Qing Ling found himself sent the wrong flowers, immediately turned away.