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这些平民又能起到多大作用呢?Where they going to be?

一个低贱的平民进入元老院?。A lowly pleb in the Senate?

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本杰民出生在平民窟。Benjamin was born in slums.

国王爱德华八世于1936年退位与一个平民结婚。in 1936 to marry a commoner.

平民主义对全球主义意味着什么What Populism Means for Globalism

他同情平民百姓。He sympathizes with the common people.

多重射击不再以平民为目标。Multi-shot no longer targets civilians.

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一名敌兵伪装成了平民。The enemy soldier disguised as civilian.

它是平民缘由的问题。It's the question of civilian causalities.

但是平民的世界不能落后。But the civilian world cannot be far behind.

英王爱德华八世放弃王位和一个平民女子结婚。King Edward Ⅷ abdicated to marry a commoner.

他们也小心地避免平民伤亡。They took care to avoid civilian casualties.

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对于平民,这项研究成果更是具有不可估量的作用。For civilians, the impact would incalculable.

朝鲜军队怎么能打我们平民目标呢?Korean army civilian targets, how do we play?

幽默家故意装成没有受过教育的平民。The humorist posed as a plain uneducated man.

随后,至少有四十四万平民逃离家园。At least 440,000 people have fled their homes.

英国皇室婚礼,威廉王子和平民公主凯特。British England Royal Wedding, William and Kath.

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你为什么要牵连无辜的平民?Why did you embroil innocent, ordinary civilians?

答案——是"平民窟的百万富翁"——已经成为历史。The answer -- "Slumdog Millionaire" -- is history.

塔季扬娜抱怨,平民没有教养。The plebes, Tatyana complained, were not behaving.