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她的爱好从打网球到溜冰,范围很广。Her interests ranged from tennis to skating.

从打有护士以来,我出去的机会更多。Ever since I've had nurses I've been able to go out more.

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但那就好象在说你应该从打高尔夫球中获取打高尔夫球的经验。But that's like saying you should play golf to get experience playing golf.

事业和生活是从打地基开始,一砖一瓦垒起来的。Careers and lives are made one building block at a time, from the foundation on up.

我们从打进电话到译员接听的等待时间从未超过两分钟。We never had to wait more than two minutes between the time we called and the moment an interpreter came on the line.

矛盾从打嘴仗开始,兄妹之间互相讥讽,最后则导致拳脚相向。Contradictory from hit the mouth to battle begin, between sibling mutual and sarcastic, cause boxing foot appearance finally to.

在促销方面,可以发起从打广告到社会网络,以及互动购物的全方位促销攻势。Promotional campaigns can be launched, involving everything from television commercials to social networks and interactive videos.

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他拾起被从打洞器掉落而且解释当它被放置在相片上的时候,它看起来像一个真正的洞一样的小的圆形块。He picks up a small circular piece dropped from the punch and explains that it looks like a real hole when it is placed on the photograph.

大声的从打牙齿间用里迸出d音,齿龈下露出z音,剩下的音则消失在喉咙的回音中。Loud with the propped strongly on the z teeth, the escaping from under the gums and then the rest of the word lost in the echo of the throat.

实际上,一个系统的实现,不论是从打草稿开始还是作为一个已有方案的更新,都可以从模型中分离出来。In practice, the implementation of a system, whether from scratch or as an update to an existing solution, may be disconnected from the models.

律师或政冶家的工作一定以更愉快的形式包台着许多和从打桥牌中得到的同样的快乐。The work of a lawyer or a politician must contain in a more delectable form a great deal of the same pleasure that is to be derived from playing bridge.

我有这个疤痕在我的右手从打篮球一样,在我跌倒地上,然后我去了一个婚礼,我不希望任何人握手的手。I had this scar on my right hand from playing basketball, like where I fell on the ground, and then I went to a wedding and I didn't want to shake anyone's hand.

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楼梯照明,例如,不仅减轻大气,而且还凸显了一个一层楼的转变,从打褶发言户外酒吧。Stairs lighting, for example, does not only lighten the atmosphere, but also highlights a transformation of a floor layer, from pleating floor to an outdoor bar.