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本田流床位寓所。Apartments Honda Stream bed.

我的寓所和她的地产毗邻。My small rectory abuts her estate.

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他乘电梯到了位于六层的寓所。He took the elevator to his sixth-floor apartment.

我的寓所在兰厄姆一幢新大楼里。My flat was in a big new building in Langham Place.

他乘电梯到了位于六层的寓所。He took the elevator to his sixth-floor ____________.

他们的寓所包括两个小房间和一个套间。The apartment consisted of two small rooms and a parlor.

他在派克街上有一幢3层楼的寓所。He occupies a three-story dwelling place on the Park Street.

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亚历克斯在寓所内一边用早餐,一边读晨报上的新闻报道。Alex read the morning news story at his apartment over breakfast.

多年来,好客的布莱克韦尔岛的监狱一直是索比冬天的寓所。For years the hospitable Blackwell's had been his winter quarters.

结果,整个寓所变成了一个白色的调色盘,上面恰到好处的点缀着鲜艳的色彩。the resulting palette of white with pops of color definitely works.

第十三条领事官员的寓所不受侵犯。Article 13. The residence of a consular officer shall be inviolable.

在罗森加德,人们不会因为有一座舒适的寓所或海景房而炫耀。In Rosengård you don't brag about a nice apartment or a beach house.

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她第一次去托马斯的寓所,体内就开始咕咕咕了。The first time she went to Tomas's flat her insides began to rumble.

几乎寓所内的所有房间都能有个可以在墙上悬挂手提袋的地方。Almost every room in our apartment has a tote bag hanging on the wall.

一到达寓所,肯尼迪马上洗了一个蒸汽浴,以减缓他背部的疼痛。On arrival Kennedy took a streaming bath to ease the pain of his back.

查看了女儿的寓所,他说痛失女儿令他“无言以对”。Visiting his daughter's home, he added the loss left him "speechless".

在爱德华兹的寓所,明美因自己另一种形式的背叛而流泪。Betrayal of a different sort had Minmei in tears in Edwards's quarters.

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此外还有戴笠给梅乐斯建造的寓所。Included was also the residence of Miles, which Dai Li had built for him.

斯黛安住在巴克湾,离你的寓所不到一公里。Diana Sterling lived in the Back Bay, only half a mile from your residence.

从西湖顶级寓所,到东湖绝版豪宅,再到华盛顿湖湾区别墅。Mansion from the West Lake, East Lake, and then to Lake Washington Wan villa.