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可想而知这样会少打很多字。I´m sure you can easily imagine how much typing this saves.

可想而知,袋状小肠并不能完全像结肠一样运行。Obviously, the pouch doesn't work exactly the same as the colon.

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可想而知,他们肯定会厥过去的,至少也会吓得往树林里跑的吧!Surely they'd all faint, or at least run out of the house into the forest.

可想而知,这会使每次请求都导致大量磁盘操作。Understandably, this causes a great deal of disk activity on each request.

他离家多年,怀乡的心情是可想而知的。He has left home for years. We can imagine how much he misses his hometown.

我打电话告诉她我的发现,可想而知,她吓坏了。I called her to share my findings and she was, understandably, creeped out.

因此,刘翔在北京奥运会上卫冕金牌的巨大压力可想而知。The pressure for a golden repeat in China's Games must have been overwhelming.

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我花了两个钟头才到学校,可想而知,我错过了小考和两堂课。I spent two hours getting to school. Of course, I missed the quiz, plus two classes.

连我的脑子里都是乱糟糟的,可想而知这一夜对阿尔芒来说是多么漫长啊!Judging by the thoughts which assailed me, it must have been a long night for Armand.

这样一款颜值的车,可想而知出街的拉风程度。Such a face value of the car, pull the wind out of the street level as can be imagined.

地球是我们独一寓居的中央,所以可想而知环境关于我们的重要性。The earth is the only one place we live in. So you know how important the environment is.

英诗汉译作为译学界一个不小的领域,其难度更是可想而知。The translation of English poetry into Chinese is quite difficult in translation practice.

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唉!从师而学的风尚之不能恢复就可想而知了。Alas! It is obvious that the tradition of learning from the teacher can never be retrieved.

假如老板自己就先乱了阵脚,手足无措,可想而知,你的下属能不打退堂鼓吗?。If himbossfirst random lose one's head, can be imagined, your subordinate can not back out?

如果企业家提出增加纳税来解决一个问题,可想而知问题确实严重。When businessmen offer to pay more taxes to solve a problem, you know it is a real problem.

所以,给那些了解枪械的士兵和军官的第一印象也就可想而知了。One can imagine impression produced on soldiers and officers who know about guns at first hand.

可想而知,孟福尔立即否定了亚眠协定,接着武装斗争爆发了。Predictably, de Montfort repudiated the Mise of Amiens immediately, and armed conflict broke out.

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奔波了这许多天,连罪魁祸首是谁都不知道,女神的气恼可想而知。Around the many days, and even do not know who the culprit is, the goddess of anger can be imagined.

但是如果RIM不能赢得家门口的这场保卫战,在其他地方的前景就可想而知了。But if RIM can’t win this turf battle at home, it won’t say much for its future prospects elsewhere.

但可想而知,基于人工的翻译服务可能十分昂贵,速度也非常慢。However, as you might imagine, a human-based translation service can be quite costly and quite slow.