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最后终于以杜孙二人双双解职了事。In the end, both were relieved.

他因不诚实而被解职。He was discharged for dishonesty.

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并且被解职的消息使他惊愕。And the news of being dismissed dismayed him.

他被解职后成了隐士。He became a hermit after he was dismissed from office.

当他听到自己被解职时感到很不痛快。He felt browned off when he heard that he waw dismissed.

这卑怯的官员因不尽职被解职。The cowardly officer was disgraced for failing to do His duty.

曾任登封县知县。崇祯中历台州知府,解职归。He had been the magistrate of Dengfeng County in Henan Province.

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伊朗方面一直未披露穆塔基遭解职的具体原因。Mottaki, Iran has not disclosed the specific reasons for being fired.

但是去年Swati在与另一位部长公开争执之后被解职了。But last year Swati was sacked after a public spat with another minister.

沙龙解职了内阁部长和那个投票反对^-^这个计划白勺副部长。Sharon fired cabinet minister and a deputy minister who voted against the plan.

而那些怀疑其必要性的人被视作蓄意妨碍之人和保守分子而遭解职。Those who doubt the necessity are dismissed as obstructionists and reactionaries.

阿比扎伊德将军解职,还重新安排了处理伊拉克问题团队中的关键人物。Instead, he dismissed General Abizaid and reshuffled key figures in his Iraq team.

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他表示,穆罕先生和巴厘女士之所以被解职,完全是因为他们没有做好本职工作。He said that Mr. Mohan and Ms. Bali had been fired simply for not doing their jobs.

我们解职大卫是因为他违背了谷歌严格的内部隐私政策。We dismissed David Barksdale for breaking Google's strict internal privacy policies.

两人分歧的焦点是被穆沙拉夫在宣布紧急状态时解职的60名法官。At the heart of their dispute are 60 judges, sacked by Mr Musharraf during the emergency.

一○会务工作人员之职称、名额、聘雇及解职。The title, number, appointment and dismission of working staff of educational associations.

原上海市委书记陈良宇被解职,目前正在接受调查。Shanghai Communist Party Chief Chen Liangyu was removed from office and is under investigation.

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两家公司都爆出了涉及数十亿美元的会计丑闻,布兰德塞尔和雷恩斯也随之遭到解职。Both Brendsel and Raines have been deposed in the wake of multibillion-dollar accounting scandals.

但是取代了这些法官的最高法院法官们判定,这些大法官被解职符合宪法。But the replacement Supreme Court has ruled the dismissals of their predecessors to be constitutional.

奥林巴斯说,伍德福德被解职是因为他在管理方式上与公司有分歧。Olympus has said that Mr. Woodford was relieved of his duties because of differences in management style.