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从金宝贝零售商店。From Gymboree Retail Store.

此地的零售走入高价位了?Retail is going u cale here?

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批发零售无任欢迎。Wholesale and retail not welcome.

古琦拒绝透露零售价格。Gucci declined to give retail prices.

对于零售来说,这蛮早了。That's for retail, that's pretty early.

亲民零售价格呈现于众。PFP retail prices showing to the public.

十五日在家里是在世界上的零售?Is Quinze at home in the world of retail?

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现在哥伦比亚大学正在通过互联网进行零售。Now Columbia is going retail--on the Web.

汝拉州独有的传统,是旅游零售。Jura Legacy is exclusive to travel retail.

小店主整批买进再零售出去。Shopkeepers buy wholesale and sell retail.

均衡的零售价格在世界各地。Equalized retail prices all over the world.

QR代码将进入零售市场。QR codes will start to enter retail markets.

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第二部分——研究商业零售口岸选址的意义。The second part---- the significance of BRLC.

现在他在特许零售方面进行投资。Today he invests in retail franchise concepts.

这是零售界版本的死光炮塔。It’s the retail version of the doomsday machine.

专营批发零售各类中小型五金工具。Wholesales and retail variety of hardware tools.

这会对零售销售有一个积极的刺激。This would have a positive impact on retail sales.

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很久以前,零售商用巨大的布袋子贩卖东西。Long ago, tradesmen sold things in large cloth bags.

本店有着自产自销,专来批发、零售。Shop has a homegrown, designed to wholesale, retail.

还有日杂批发零售。Miscellaneous general there are wholesale and retail.