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大暑之后,时序到了立秋。Dashu, the timing to Liqiu.

我赶紧问,就是今天立秋吗?I hastened to ask you today Liqiu?

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妈妈说已经立秋,我也恍然大悟。Mother said it is autumn, I recognized suddenly.

即立秋是凉爽季节的开始。That is, Liqiu is the beginning of the cool season.

而立春、立夏、立秋、立冬则反映了四季的开始。Start of Spring, Start of Summer, Start of Autumn and Start of Winter show the starts of the four seasons.

这时节,虽然立秋已好久了,但到了中午,天气仍很热。This season, although the Beginning of Autumn already for ages, but arrived midday, weather still very hot.

每日图片。显然从附近的佛蒙特,立秋挥洒这白色山脉在新罕布什尔州用颜色。As seen from neighboring Vermont, autumn begins to sprinkle the White Mountains of New Hampshire with color.

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已是立秋时节天气还是那么闷热,一场暴雨淋湿了路面,雨水落地后很快就被饥渴的大地吸食掉。Is the autumn season the weather is so hot, wet pavement rain, rain after landing soon to be thirsty earth taking off.

结果发现,立秋时间的早晚与以后气温的变化没有必然的关系。The result showed that the early or late beginning time of autumn were not concerned with the variations of subsequent temperature, inevitably.

到了立秋,秋风一起天气凉爽,人的胃口就好了,需要吃点儿荤菜增加营养,补偿夏天的损耗。However a cooler weather after the day of Beginning of Autumn stimulates their appetite and they usually have oily and meat dishes for the lost in summer.

最初只有夏至、冬至,随后逐渐增加了春分、秋分及立春、立夏、立秋、立冬。Later added were the Spring Equinox, the Autumnal Equinox, the Beginning of Spring, the Beginning of Summer, the Beginning of Autumn and the Beginning of Winter.