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他是一个能见机行事的人。He is a man who knows the time of day.

我们不知怎么做,所以必须见机行事。We don't know what to do now, so we must play by ear.

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我没准备演讲稿,到时只好见机行事。I am not prepared the speech, so I have to play it by ear.

我不知道他来的时候说什么。到时候见机行事吧。I don't know what to say when he comes and play it by ear.

我们没有即定的计划,我们将见机行事。We have no set plans, We're just going to do AS we see fit.

约翰决定面试的时候见机行事。John decided to play it by ear when he went for his interview.

必须抓住机会,见机行事才能创造佳绩。Opportunity must be seized and acted upon in order to have value.

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他学会了注意上级的情绪并见机行事。He learned to pick up on his superior's moods and act accordingly.

我一点不知道他们将会说些什么,所以我只会见机行事。I have no idea what they're going to say, so I'll have to play it by ear.

我一点不知道他们将会说什么,所以我只好见机行事。I have no idea what they are going to say, so I'll have to play it by ear.

对于这次谈判会我还没有特定的计划,看来只能见机行事了。I don't have any plan for my negotiation meeting now, I will play it by ear.

我没有时间来准备这次会议,所以我只好见机行事。I’ve had no time to prepare for this meeting,so I’ll have to play it by ear.

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我不知道他们到达时需要什么我们只有见机行事了。I don't know what they'll want when they arrive─we'll have to play it by ear.

罚球球员事先没有做好决定,而是见机行事Players don't make their decision before, and then stick with it necessarily.

我们不知道他们到达时需要什么——只有见机行事了。I don't know what they'll want when they arrive –we'll have to play it by ear.

你既然不会这门语言,我只能建议你见机行事。Since you don't know the language, I can only suggest that you follow your nose.

这就是我要你见机行事的原因。你可以按你的方法好好工作。That's why I asked you to play to the score. You can work out your ways and do a good job.

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我真的不知道旅程中会发生什么事。我想我们得见机行事吧。I really don't know what will happen during our trip. I guess we'll have to play it by ear.

使用高音喇叭,千万要见机行事,不能授人以柄。When using loudspeakers , be sure to use your discretion. You can't teach others with a cudgel.

原来这种药草是蒙汗药的主要成分,花红准备好了这个药草等着见机行事。This herb is the main component of the original wine, ready for the bonus of this herb are waiting.