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我吓得心都要跳出采了。I'm about to jump out of my skin.

我们能跳出那个象牙塔吗?Can we get out of the glass tower?

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跳出油锅又入火坑。Out of the frying-pan into the fire.

用什么途径可以跳出这些问题?What is the way out of your problem?

为什么它能跳出页面呈现在你面前?Why does it jump off the page at you?

我们需要点运气才能跳出降级区。We need a lucky ricochet to go our way.

所以跳出农门,是我们小时候的渴望。So jump farming door, is when we desire.

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巡逻警突然跳出来,一,二,三个。Up jumped the troopers, one, two, three.

再一跳,他跳出了水井。One more jump, and he was out of the well.

在流调试器上执行单步跳出。Proceed one step over on the Flow Debugger.

他魔杖尖端跳出一只银色的牝鹿。From the tip of his wand burst the silver doe.

而那只蛙却跳得更带劲了,最后他成功地跳出了深坑。He jumped even harder and finally made it out.

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你应该跳出惯有思维方式,去创造性地思考。You need to think creatively— outside the box.

哈里从自己车里跳出来,朝那辆车走过去。Harry jumped from his car and want to that car.

他跳出摆动,并开始运行。He jumped out of the swing and started running.

那天晚上大约8点库柏跳出了机舱。About 8 that night, Cooper jumped from the plane.

像灰尘已经积累到跳出来跟我说你好的时候.Like when the dust bunnies pop out and say hello.

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第三个人就跳进和跳出这根绳。Next player three jump into and out of the GUMMI.

奥利里立刻从车里跳出来,跑向卡普拉克。O'Leary jumped out of the car and ran to Carpluk.

当有让你感兴趣的任务时可以跳出来接下以发挥你的长处。Jump at tasks that interest you and excel at them.