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重水在化学成分上与普通水是一样的。Heavy water is chemically the same as regular-light water.

比较了重水和轻水的工作曲线。The working curves of heavy water and light water are comparable.

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另一套是一个迅速从内核周围排出重水的系统。Another was a system for rapidly draining the heavy water from around the core.

可以选择普通的水,重水和石墨作为减速剂。As a moderate there is a choice between normal water , heavy water and graphite.

也是在2009年5月,乔克里弗反应堆开始出现重水泄露现象,被迫再次关闭。Meanwhile in May 2009, the Chalk River reactor started leaking heavy water and was again shut down.

然后,本文进行了MOX燃料在CANDU重水堆中应用可行性研究,并优选出燃料的成分。Thirdly, application of MOX fuel in CANDU reactor is studied and appropriate fuel composition is chosen.

电解重水制备D2中常含有微量杂质N2,为降低N2含量,选择锆铁钛吸气剂高温对N2进行脱除。The getter was chosen to remove N2 in D2 which was prepared by electrolyzing heavy water in high temperature.

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他说,伊朗声称建设重水反应堆是为了生产医用同位素,但重水反应堆并不适合于生产同位素。He said a heavy-water reactor is inappropriate for producing medical isotopes as Iran claims is its intention.

板式换热器在重水系统中的应用对研究堆的设计具有一定的参考价值。The application of plate heat exchanger in heavy water system gives good experience for future research reactor design.

之前,我受雇于哈里斯公司,从事热和能量、激光柱折射、氢分子、重水计算机数据等相关研发工作。We did work in thermonuclear energy, laser beam refraction, hydrogen molecule development, and heavy-water computer data.

伊朗官员说,他们在北部的阿拉克镇被拘押,伊朗正在那里建造一个重水核反应炉。The officials say the two were detained in the northern town of Arak, where Iran is building a heavy water nuclear reactor.

采用重水慢化剂和增大输出功率的需求决定了压力管式堆芯结构的设计方案。The use of heavy water moderator and the need for large power output determined the choice of a channel type configuration.

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伊朗官员说,他们在北部的阿拉克镇被拘押,伊朗正在那里建造一个重水核反应堆。The officials say the two were detained in the northern town of Arak , where Iran is building a heavy water nuclear reactor.

本文对双面加热的圆弧形窄缝通道内重水的自然对流进行了模化试验和数值模拟。We studied the natural convection in narrow double-side heating arc by mock-up tests and numerical simulation in this thesis.

中国从未出口过铀浓缩、后处理和重水生产等敏感技术。China has never exported sensitive technologies such as those for uranium enrichment, reprocessing and heavy water production.

利用高分辨率质谱峰相对强度,计算了重水中的氢氧同位素组成。And the hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions in some heavy waters are calculated by the high-resolution mass spectrometer.

正常情况下使用普通润滑脂,泄漏过大则最好使用泵用重水润滑脂。Under the normal condition use general lubricating grease, you had best use heavy water lubricating grease for pump if too much leakage loss.

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重水可用作核电厂的减速剂,减缓快速运动的中子以使它们能和反应炉的燃料一起反应。Heavy water is used as a moderator in nuclear power plants, slowing down the fast neutrons so that they can react with the fuel in the reactor.

方法测定其在不同温度和加入重水条件下的各种1D和2D核磁共振谱。Methods To record the 1D and 2D NMR spectra of cetirizine hydrochloride while changing the experimental temperature and adding D 2O into the solution.

为在秦山三期CANDU-6型重水堆上生产放射性钴源,将秦山三期CANDU-6型重水堆排管容器内的21根不锈钢调节棒改为钴调节棒。In order to produce cobalt rodlet in CANDU-6 reactor core of TQNPC, the 21 stainless steel control rods in reactor vessel were changed to cobalt control rods.