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马克思被那笔银行交易的发财梦搞得倾家荡产。Max lost his shirt on that bank deal alchemy.

他在股市投机买卖中倾家荡产。He exhausted a fortune in stock-market speculation.

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英国山河破碎、倾家荡产,德国则在废墟底下那不见火光的燃烧中殒灭。Britain was broken and bankrupt, Germany a smoldering ruin.

他们一旦安家落户,能吃得你倾家荡产。Once they establish residency, they can eat you out of house and home.

他们认为,人们不应该为了治病而搞得倾家荡产。They figured that people shouldn’t have to file for bankruptcy because they got sick.

做这样一笔生意,你可能一夜暴富,也可能倾家荡产。In a business like this you can make a lot of money, but you can also lose your shirt.

达到了有史以来的浪谷,许多人都为此倾家荡产。Stocks tumbled to their lowest level today, and many people have been reduced to poverty and ruin.

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吉卜赛人大发牢骚,抱怨说,这样的买卖要是再做几宗,他就要倾家荡产啦。The gipsy grumbled frightfully, and declared if he did a few more deals of that sort he'd be ruined.

人们对癌症早已不再陌生,所以像它莫西芬这样治疗乳腺癌的药也不会贵到让人倾家荡产。Cancer has been around longer and drugs like tamoxifen for breast cancer don't have to cost a packet.

他希望,倾家荡产也将这样做,并定居下来他的,但它仍然是池谷在她的心。He hopes that Mako will do the same and settle down with him, however it is still Iketani in her heart.

他教促知识分子起来对抗国会传讯,即便冒“坐牢和倾家荡产”的风险也在所不顾。He urged intellectuals to defy congressional inquisitions, even at the risk of "jail and economic ruin."

我们需要一个引路的,有时我们甚至愿倾家荡产,只为求得有人指点迷津,知道何去何从。We need a guide. Sometimes we would give all that we have to be told exactly what to do and where to turn.

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爱泼斯坦担心医疗费用可能使他们倾家荡产,于是为这一家的困境四处宣传。Epstein, worried that their medical expenses might bankrupt them, sought publicity for the family's plight.

你愿意倾家荡产去填补事故赔偿的无敌漩涡吗?Would you be willing to throw your entire family's savings into the endless whirlpool of accident compensation?

随着中央政府提高利率抗击通胀,高利贷利率也小幅上涨,许多借款人因此倾家荡产。As Beijing raised interest rates to combat inflation, curb-market rates edged higher too, ruining many borrowers.

为了这个新成立的红十字会放射线服务指挥中心,她把自己搞得倾家荡产。Newly named Director of the Red Cross Radiology Service, she wheedled money and cars out of wealthy acquaintances.

对生活在贫穷边缘上的家庭来说,卖掉牛等主要家庭资产以支付卫生保健费用,就意味着倾家荡产。For a family living on the fringes, selling the main household asset, like a cow, to pay for health care, means ruin.

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尤其在中国住一次院,就可花光一生积蓄,让人倾家荡产甚至举债。Once Lie in a hospital in China especially, can spend their lifetime of savings, let people go bankrupt even borrowing.

紧接着是一段战战兢兢、疑虑重重、忐忑不安的时光,假如不成功,那就倾家荡产了。A time of trembling, of doubt, of awful uneasiness followed, for non-success meant absolute ruin and nothing short of it.

要是他知道我花费多少精力习得这门语言,那他一定得知道任何收藏家倾家荡产都难买到我这一藏品。If he had known what it had cost me to acquire my art, he would also have known that it would break any collector to buy it.