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他实际上只是一个纸老虎。He's really a paper tiger.

一切抄袭派都是纸老虎。All the plagiarists are paper tigers.

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走神实际上是纸老虎。Distractions are really paper tigers.

一切困难也都是纸老虎。All difficulties are also paper tigers.

但是还是纸老虎多一些。But you see many more paper tigers than real ones.

是时候揭开纸老虎的画皮,直视中国的真实面目。It is time to leave the theater and see China for what it is.

中国就是纸老虎,更像个娘们。China, as I say again, is a paper tiger, more like a pussycat.

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虽然看起来那个国家像个庞然大物,但实际上是一只纸老虎。Although it looks like a huge monster, that country is in fact a paper tiger.

习只是在对着照片微笑。以色列也不沮丧。在这一点上习就是一个纸老虎。Xi just smiling to photographs. Israel not upset. Xi at this point is a paper tiger.

“光明网”微信公号发表的一篇文章问道,游客黑名单是否成了“纸老虎”。An article on the WeChat account of Guangming Online asked whether the list was merely a "paper tiger. ""

如果纸老虎的证交会决定就这样指控GE的话,谁知道还有什么创举发生?If this is what the paper tiger SEC decided to charge GE with, who knows what creativity really took place?

萨达姆·侯赛因算是领教到了,没有人敢再认为美国人是一群纸老虎、窝囊废了。As Saddam Hussein learned, no one will ever think that America is filled with a bunch of paper tigers again.

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他们所做的不过是纸老虎行为,都是鳄鱼的眼泪,对我有点精神支持。All they have really done is be a paper tiger and crying crocodile tears and calling me to offer moral support.

他说DMCA的豁免对更开放战役是一个关键而且象征性的胜利——但是在很多方面,却只是一个法律上的纸老虎He says the DMCA exemption is a key, symbolic victory for the open campaign— but in many ways, a legal paper tiger

它们诱导了一种光辉灿烂和乐观的情绪,从而使最严峻的政治现实也似乎像是纸老虎。They induce a sense of grandeur and a euphoria that may make the grimmest political realities seem like paper tigers.

不过,业界曾经忧心忡忡华尔街人才会为逃避薪酬限制而大肆出走,目前来看这不过是只纸老虎。But, so far at least, the much-feared exodus of Wall Street talent hoping to dodge pay curbs has proved a paper tiger.

一切所有号称强大的反动派统统不过是纸老虎。All reactionaries are paper tigers. In appearance, the reactionaries are terrifying, but in reality they are not sopowerful.

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一切所有号称强大的反动派统统不过是纸老虎。All reactionaries are paper tigers. In appearance, the reactionaries are terrifying, but in reality they are not so powerful.

从经济上来说,中国很快就会是山中之王,但在军事上,相比美国,它是一个纸老虎。Economically speaking, China is fast becoming King of the Hill but militarily, it's a Paper Tiger compared to the United States.

所以如果中国认为他可以恐吓威胁任何国家,他将只会发现他原来是个纸老虎。So if China thinks that it can frighten either country with its threats, it will only discover that it is the original paper tiger.