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阳春三月,朝霞红艳。Spring March, alpenglow Gong Yan.

一八一五是种阴沉的阳春天气。This 1815 was a sort of lugubrious April.

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她在寒冬腊月奔放,又在阳春三月凋落。She was in severe winter and spring in March.

阳春三月,莺飞草长。In March, radiant and enchanting spring scene.

三个阳春三度化作秋天的枯黄。Three beauteous springs to yellow autumn turned.

拼一个阳春生夏,换一个青春无悔!Spell a summer home life, change a regretless youth.

阳春的办学心愿终于在此时得以完成。Yangchun of running at this time wish finally completed.

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阳春三月桃花开了,我的博客也开通了。March , a peach blossom in full bloom, I registered a blog.

阳春砂仁是我国四大南药之一。Amomum villosum is an important medical plant in South China.

这一次,是牛奶为洋基打出追平比数的阳春炮。This time, it was Melky Cabrera's shot that tied it for New York.

但费城人队在第七局和第八局的两记阳春本垒打又让整个球场沸腾了。A pair of solo homers in the seventh and eight, however, rectified that.

在中更新世早期,阳春地区的岩溶洞穴开始发育。Inthe early middle pleistocene, the karst caves in Yangchun area began to develop.

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我喜欢自然界的景物,不论这季节是阳春还是深秋。I like the scenery of nature, no matter the season or late autumn is the Yang-chun.

“是这样的,”神说,“尊祖父,韩阳春,是个穷人。"It's like this, " the god said. "Your honored grandfather, Han Yungchun, was poor.

景区阳春花木繁盛、百鸟争鸣,盛夏泉水清澈,流水不断。Yangchun scenic flowers flourish, birds contend, summer water clarity, water constantly.

嗯,是的,我同意你这种说法。但是我仍然喜欢阳春这个小城。Well, all right. I agree with you about that . But I still prefer Yangchun as a small town.

在朱瑾的交涉下,广州国民政府派兵协助阳春救援端文。In ZhuJin of bargaining, guangzhou national government troops to assist yangchun rescue end wen.

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有好多著名的诗句都是些植物的,例如说梅花是三千阳春始一花。Many famous poems are about them, such as one plant alone leads the world into spring time for plum.

使用一个廉价的策略商店尝试是有效率的而且提供一种标准又阳春的产品。Businesses using a low-cost strategy attempt to be efficient and offer a standard, no- frills product.

阳春三月,本该是春暖花开,春风和煦,春意盎然的好时节。Yangchun in March, which was supposed to the warmth of spring genial spring and spring is a good season.