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人群被驱散了。The crowd were squandered.

队长驱散了他们。The captain dispersed them.

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风驱散了雾。The wind dispersed the fog.

阳光驱散了薄雾。The sun dissipated the mist.

警察驱散了那场殴斗。The police broke up the fight.

太阳驱散了浓雾。The sun dispelled the dense fog.

他们企图驱散集会的人。They tried to break up the meeting.

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防暴警察驱散了人群。The riot police dispersed the crowd.

侦探们撤出来并驱散了围观者。Detectives fade to distant bystanders.

她的到来驱散了他的一切悲痛。Her coming charmed away all his sorrow.

在我的作品中,我驱散了外部力量。I expel all outside forces in my works.

让我们团结起来驱散恐惧。Let us unite in banishing fear, " he said.

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直到末日窥见我的城堡,将他们驱散。Till Doom espy my towers and scatter them.

我不哭,风和日丽终会驱散漫天雨雾!I don't cry, sunny will dispel Whirling cloud!

民兵被坦克和装甲运兵车的火力驱散。The militia was dispersed by tank and APC fire.

光也驱散囚室的黑暗。And light disperses the darkness of the dungeon.

他没驱散射击你就进陷阱了。You eat the trap without him blowing scattershot.

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这种解毒药有那么强,能驱散毒素吗?Is that antidote strong enough to expel the poison?

周二,他说他已经驱散了心魔。On Tuesday, he said he had " exorcized the demons."

为驱散人群施放了催泪弹。Tear-gas bombs were set off to break up the crowds.