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但阅读字里行间。But read between the lines.

想着,不觉轻轻叹息,清愁溢满字里行间。Think of, never sigh Qingchou, between the lines.

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字里行间,教师加进了修改的文字。The teacher interlined corrections on the student's themes.

理解能力超强的中国媒体受众读得懂字里行间的深意。Savvy Chinese media consumers know how to read between the lines.

从下面的字里行间中你就能了解96-97赛季对于步行者来说有多糟糕了。The '96-97 season was a disaster for the Pacers from the word go.

鲁迅的著作非常深奥难解,你必须从字里行间去仔细体会。Lu Xun's works are very abstruse. You must read between the lines.

字里行间流露着对久别故乡的深怀念。Reveal between the lines forward to the long-awaited home deep memory.

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从字里行间,你们可以看到他在挣扎。I love these pieces because you can just see him struggling on the page.

世纪上一队小小的流浪者啊,在我的字里行间留下你们的足迹吧!O troupe of less vagrants of the globle, leave your footprints in my phrases.

你知道读书必须要阅读,“字里行间的言外之意”,以求最充分的理解。You know you have to read "between the lines" to get the most out of anything.

她把自己对他们的悲悯渗透在书卷气的字里行间。She seeps her grief to them in the air of scholarly refinementbetween the lines.

不要在字里行间去寻找成功的秘诀,因为这只会让你徒增困扰。Don't bother trying to read between the lines, and don't look for a through-line.

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一开始字里行间就漏洞百出,猫声鸟居然把夜莺啄得铩羽而归。Even from the first, the words went wrong, the catbird pecked away the nightingale.

或许,“尹”字更趋向于通“隐”字,其中的隐情,字里行间没有记载。Perhaps, "Yin" tends to be "hidden", the reason is not recorded, between the lines.

也许这就像阅读书中激励人心的字里行间,祈祷着,沉思着,或者,解答着一个谜题。Maybe that’s reading inspiring lines from a book, praying, meditating or doing a puzzle.

党的“十六大”报告字里行间处处闪烁着创新的光芒。There are many rays of innovation between lines in the Reprot of the Sixteenth Congress.

以至于今天实在无法控制自己的感情,落墨与字里行间来给我的自己取暖。Today that he was unable to control his feelings, and the road between the lines to my own.

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也许你认为自己已经隐藏了真实情感,但旅行者可以从字里行间读出你的弦外之音。You might think you’re concealing your true feelings, but travelers can read between the lines.

品读余秋雨先生的历史文化散文,很容易触摸到字里行间所表露出来的忧患意识。Yu Qiuyu's historical and cultural essays, we can feel the sense of crisis between lines easily.

“在字里行间阅读”结构由100层钢片和2000根钢柱子建造而成。“Reading between the Lines” structure was constructed out of 100 layers and 2000 columns of steel.