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他们争雄天下。They strove for supremacy under heaven.

曾经,这里只许权势,不准情谊的争雄之地。多少年头,我都在忍受着那份深入骨髓的仇恨。Here, only potence and influence, no affection. Men contend for hegemony. I've borne the deep hatred for many years.

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中国区域经济已经进入了一个东西互动、南北争雄的新阶段。The regional economy has came into an interactive and competitive period in West and East, North and Sorth in China.

娣妹见石娇不介意郑一于「七海争雄」中死去,猜想石娇打算让郑一去送死。Her sister see zheng jiao dont mind a stone in the seven sea supremacy die, guess stone jiao to let zheng one to die.

在AP,争议的焦点是首府海德拉巴。海市是软件业中心,与相邻卡纳塔克邦的班加罗尔互争雄长。In AP itself, the main focus of outrage has been Hyderabad, the capital, which rivals Bangalore, in neighbouring Karnataka, as a software hub.

总之,该时段各类伎艺大体上呈现出竞相争雄又相互融合的局面,而其中的传播也酝酿出新的变化。As concluded, during this time period, different kinds of drama as a whole emerged to be competitive and interactive, which fostered new changes in the dissemination.

北进政策是第二次世界大战期间,日本帝国主义对外侵略扩张,争雄称霸的基本国策,是日本世界战略的主要内容。The policy of north- Aggression was Japan's basic policy of expanding outward and seeking hegemony in Japan, and it was the main contents of its world strategy during the World War II.

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蒙古族还对最有成就、有盛名、有威望的摔跤手,由于年老不能继续争雄时,授予“达尔罕”称号,这是终身荣誉。The aged and respected people who can't participate in wrestling will be given a title "Darhan", which is a lifelong honor. They have made great achievements and have fame and prestige.

而在近代初期,诸国争雄的军事战争是国家公共开支的最大费项,且往往具有急迫性的特征。In the early modern period, Asian countries strive for hegemony of the military war costs the country the largest item of public expenditure, and often with the characteristics of urgency.

在三国争雄的过程中,刘备集团一直势力最弱,其重要原因在于刘备集团以“仁”为本的政治理想与残酷的政治现实之间存在着尖锐的矛盾。In the three countries strive for hegemony in the process, Liu Bei group has been weakest, its substantial clause lies in their ideal has the incisive contradiction in the brutal political reality.