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这个故事对我许多客户来说都耳熟能详。This story jingles bells for many of my clients.

一首耳熟能详的欧洲民歌,旋律优美动听。A familiar European folk song with beautiful melody.

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“灶神”故事是中国人耳熟能详的寓言故事。The story of the Kitchen God is a household Chinese fable.

仪式的过程大家似乎并不十分在意,因为都已耳熟能详了。Maybe it's because everyone is so familiar to these rituals.

圣母领报是福音中最耳熟能详的篇章之一。The Gospel of the Annunciation is among the best known of all.

海豚始终是大家耳熟能详的一个聪明,友好的动物。A dolphin is always well-known as a clever and friendly animal.

“明码标价”这个大家耳熟能详的词,在房地产市场似乎稍显陌生。To mark clear price tags is familiar with any product but houses.

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位于波斯湾地区的阿拉伯国家崛起已是人们耳熟能详的故事。The rise of the Arab states of the Persian Gulf is a now-familiar tale.

更重要的是,这些歌名虽然耳熟能详,但这个版本你是从来没听过的!Moreover, there are versions of well-known numbers that you will never have heard before!

中国在非洲的推进让各专家们想起了那些耳熟能详的关于两象相争的故事。China's march into Africa has reminded pundits of those two proverbial elephants fighting.

这是一道耳熟能详的曲子,传统的瓦格纳的三月中加入了很多装饰音。The music was familiar, Wagner's traditional march surrounded by a flood of embellishments.

这只是这位有着11枚总冠军戒指的传奇教练耳熟能详的一部分剧本。And it's something with which Jackson, as the coach of 11 NBA champions, is uniquely familiar.

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当我们观看表演时,许多人也跟着唱那些耳熟能详的曲调。As we watched the performance, many sang along to the more popular and catchy Bollywood tunes.

对我本人、我的同事及许多中国人来讲,普林斯顿大学的名字早以耳熟能详。For me, for my colleagues and for many other Chinese, Princeton has long been a familiar name.

人们会搞错经文,甚至还会把很多耳熟能详的圣经故事弄的面目全非。People may get verses wrong, but they also mangle plenty of well-known biblical stories as well.

而事实却是,要达到如此认知和记忆程度甚至能耳熟能详,需耗大量时间和资金。Truth is, however, it takes a lot of money and time to achieve top-of-mind awareness and recall.

每首乐曲都是耳熟能详的旋律为本,并由史蒂芬个人化的钢琴演奏转化、重新赋予新生命。Each selection is based on a well-known melody and transformed by Steven's personal touch on piano.

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对NBA球迷来说,托尼·帕克是一个耳熟能详的名字。他曾经为NBA最佳球队之一效能10年了。For NBA fans, Tony Parker is a household name, a 10-year veteran on one of the best teams in the league.

即使国米,尽管主场郁闷地被巴里逼平,也不过是延续着耳熟能详的脚本。Even Inter, disappointing though they were in drawing 1-1 at home to Bari, were following a familiar script.

耳熟能详地址棘手问题,领导与演练下来以后的管理,深入人性。Adair addresses tough questions about leadership and drills down beyond management and deep into human nature.