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迷走神经能通过呼吸来控制心率。Vagus nerve to control heart rate through breathing.

安装心脏起搏器,可能损害到迷走神经吗?Could getting a pacemaker have damaged my vagus nerve?

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食管本体的蠕动受迷走神经支配。Peristalsis in the body of the esophagus is under vagal control.

迷走神经对心房起搏点有抑制作用。The vagus nerves have an inhibitory action on atrial pacemakers.

部分初级传入神经元位于迷走神经结状节内。Some primary afferent neurons were presented in the nodose ganglia.

某个新疗法的作用机制,就是降低肾上腺素对迷走神经的刺激。A new therapy curtails epinephrine's stimulation of the vagus nerve.

迷走神经刺激术对海人藻酸致痫的大鼠痫性发作的影响。VNS effects on seizure of rats with epilepsy induced by Kainic acid.

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血管迷走神经性晕厥出现的先兆症状和体征有哪些?。What premonitory signs and symptoms may exist for vasovagal syncope ?

迷走神经干切断术后的腹泻发生率高。The high incidence of diarrhea was encountered following truncal vagotomy.

迷走神经和体液刺激被是引起分泌的原因。The stimuli believed to be responsible for secretion are vagal and humoral.

研究表明,行善之人有着更积极的迷走神经。Studies show that people who practice compassion have a more active vagus nerve.

左迷走神经的其余部分分布到胃前壁。The remaining portion of the left nerve innervate the anterior wall of the stomach.

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暂时性的窦房阻滞见于迷走神经张力增高。The sluggish of antrum room block of provisionality sees at vagus tension heighten.

所有类型的迷走神经切断术,均产生空腹和餐后血清促胃液素水准的升高。All types of vagotomy cause an increase of basal and postprandial serum gastrin levels.

作用——可可碱镇静引起咳嗽的迷走神经过敏。What it does Theobromine suppresses activity in the vagus nerve, which causes coughing.

本文对大鼠迷走神经结状节进行了光镜和电镜观察。Light and electron microscopies of the nodose ganglion of vagus nerve were made in rats.

切断迷走神经和减压神经可以阻断或减轻上述变化。It can block and relieve forenamed variety by disbranching vagus nerve and depressor nerve.

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目的研究迷走神经剪断对兔尿生成实验的影响。Objective To investigate the effect of shearing vagus for uropoiesis experiment in rabbits.

目的减少或避免冠状动脉支架植入术后拔管过程中的迷走神经反射。Objective To decrease and prevent vagus reflex during decannulation after coronary stenting.

外侧群动脉供应延髓网状结构、脊丘束和迷走神经背核等。The lateral group supplies reticular formation, spinothalamic tract and dorsal vagal nucleus.