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我总是在迷宫中走失。I always get lost in mazes.

他看上去就像走失的孩子。He looked like a lost child.

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我的狗迷路走失了。My dog wandered off and got lost.

如果走失了,原地呆着,吹哨子。STAY PUT and blow whistle if lost.

把这些走失的牛关进待领场,这样它们就不会乱跑了。Pound the cows so they don't stray.

格林太太慈母般地关爱走失儿童。Mrs Green mothered the lost children.

他们好像一伙走失的孩童。They looked like a tribe of lost children.

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我们整日寻找那只走失的猫。SEARCH】We searched all day for the lost cat.

他们正在到处寻找那个走失的孩子。They were beating about for the missing child.

那条走失的狗身长腿短。The missing dog has short legs and a long body.

如果你的狗儿走失了,它能认得回家的路吗?If your dog gets lost, can it find its way home?

那位母亲紧紧地抱住她走失的小孩且轻吻他。The mother hugged her lost child and kissed him.

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人们走遍全国寻找那个走失的儿童。Men scoured the country looking for the lost child.

走失的孩子由一个人民警察领回来了。The lost child was led back by a people's policeman.

他就是因为玩遥控车走失的。It was this car he was playing with when he got lost.

那个孩子把他那走失的狗送了回来,他酬谢了那孩子十美元。He rewarded the boy with for bringing back the lost dog.

这次小鬼没有忘记在家里,却在纽约走失了!The gremlin not forgotten at home, but in New York lost!

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人们最后一次见着那个走失了的男孩的时候,他正在东湖附近玩。The missing boy was last seen playing near the East Lake.

给我一张爱的地址,在你的世界不再走失。Give me the address of a love, lost in your world no longer.

最后一次抓到走失的小杰克时,我用了那个法子。The last time I caught him straying I used it on little Jake.