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请爱护沟内一草一木。Please cherish the plants in the valley.

思念大学里的一草一木。Missing the grass and trees in the college.

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我依恋故乡的一草一木。I am attached to every tree and bush in my hometown.

我还以为这花园里的一草一木我都熟悉哩。I thought I knew every weed and blade in this garden.

这山谷里的一草一木我无不熟悉。There is not in the valley a tree or a stone I don't know.

那里到处都是生机,每一处角落,每一草一木都弥漫着一派生气勃勃。There is energy—a vibrancy—that permeates every little nook and cranny.

我常常想,“我怎能还没看尽这世上的一草一木就匆匆离开呢?”I used to think, ‘How can I die without seeing every inch of this world?’

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空荡荡地没有一草一木,空旷旷地不见一山半谷,眼前只是一片连绵不断广袤无边的白色。Not a shrub or tree, not a hill or valley, just an endless expanse of white.

每当他听到这首歌曲,就会想起家乡的一草一木。Every time he hears this song , almost everything in his hometown will occur to him.

今年五一爸爸带我去攀登了华山,那里的一草一木让我难忘。This year May Day dad took me to climb huashan, where the objects let me unforgettable.

对孩子来说,生活就是一所学校,一草一木都可以成为研究、探索的对象。To kid live is a school, one grass a woods all can become the object of research, quest.

因为我们生活在这个世界上,我们周围的一切乃至一草一木都对我们有恩情!Because we live in this world, around us all and even every bit of property has the benevolence to us!

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一道浅绿带灰黄的光,透过雾和雪的薄幕,斜射到没有一草一木、非常僵硬的原野上。A shallow greenish light slanted down through a veil of fog and snow upon a treeless deathly rigid landscape.

多年来他精心的照料着院子里的一草一木,而露西就在屋里给远方的亲戚写信,讲述这边生活的点点滴滴。He gave meticulous care all year long, while she would type letters to distant relatives about the progress being made.

我爱祖国不仅爱她的一草一木,一山一水,更爱她那悠久而灿烂的历史文化。I love Her love of the motherland is not only plants, mountain water, but also love her long and splendid history and culture.

曲终的时刻没有泪水,只祈愿有朝一日当我们重新聚首校园时,将那些熟悉的一草一木吻遍。When melody is over, we don't cry. We just hope when we return our campus, we can kiss the familiar grass and trees once again.

多层防护,可以很好的确保住宅业主的安全,无论您去哪儿,都会很好的给您呵护家中的一草一木。A multilayer protection, can be very good to ensure the safety of household, wherever you go, will be good to you in every tree and bush.

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或许,我们没有条件去养花栽树,但起码,我们能够注意爱护周围的一草一木,我们可以节约每一滴水,每一张纸。Maybe we have no way to plant trees or flowers, but at least, we can take good care of the green around us, and we can save paper or water.

都说是七年之痒,但是对我来说,却是心里痒痒,如果说有一周不登山,会非常想念岘山的一草一木。That is the seven year itch, but for me, it is heart itches, if there is a week of not climbing, Miss Xian Mountains of every tree and bush.

一草一木一人一事一家一国一个样,一年一月一日一时一会儿一变一个样。Each plants, human, family or anything or any country are the same, but they do change in each second, each hour, each day, each month and each year.