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梦在延续着。The dream continue.

实现延续。Implement continuations.

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它延续至成年。the healthy adult stage.

使永恒在有限里得以延续。That lasts in the finity.

这部影片延续两个小时。The movie ran for two hours.

延续是昂贵的。Continuations can be expensive.

甜美的梦仍在延续。A sweet dream han not ended yet.

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但或许这延续不了多久。But perhaps not for much longer.

会议单调地延续了几个小时。The meeting droned on for hours.

听证“单调”地延续了几个小时。The hearings droned on for hours.

如果苏联延续到2061年会怎样?What If The USSR Existed In 2061?

寒潮一直延续至4月份。The cold wave extended into April.

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保质期,100年,且延续。Service life, 100 years, and counting.

尽管还在延续,但这一切非常愚蠢。This was all stupid, yet it continues.

但第三季度财报季会延续这种势头吗?Can the third quarter extend the spell?

他们延续的时间要远远超过底特律昌盛的时日。They far outlived Detroit’s prosperity.

繁荣是可以自我延续的。And exuberance can be self-perpetuating.

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我们都知道某些时候记忆可以延续We do know that certain memories lasted.

每个标记都只是个延续。But every badging is only a continuation.

该项合同将延续执行至下个月。This contract will stretch to next month.