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我几乎没咽气。I hardly breathed.

那位著名的女影星咽气了。The famous actress breathed her last.

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老杰克咽气的时候已经90多岁了。Old Jack was over 90 when he snuffed it.

你看他还得拖上多久才能咽气,汤姆?How long do you think it will take him to die, Tom?

后来我听说又过了半个小时它才算咽气。I heard later that it took him half an hour to die.

他跑进屋里,陪伴着她,直到她咽气。He went into the room and stayed with her until she died.

如果他就这么拿枪崩了我,我也会在嘴唇上带着祝福咽气的。If he shot me so, I'd expire with a blessing on my lips.'

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“她快咽气了,”容德雷特说,“但是有什么办法呢,先生?"She is dying," said Jondrette. "But what do you expect, sir!

我决心继续为争取自由而奋斗,直到咽气的一刻为止。I will continue fighting for freedom until the end of my days.

噢,又一条金鱼咽气了,我们该怎样对孩子们解释呢?Uh-oh, another goldfish bit the dust-how do we break it to the kids?

我等着它咽气,等了很久,但它的呼吸并不见减弱。I waited a long time for him to die, but his breathing did not weaken.

他们的父亲刚咽气,他们便把园子里的所有土地深翻了一遍。They hoed deeply all of the ground in it as soon as their father died.

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这场战斗中倒下的八个人中有三个还没咽气。Out of the eight men who fell in the fight , only three still breathed.

我决心继续为争取自由而奋斗,直到咽气的一刻为止。I am determined to continue fighting for freedom, until the end of my days.

啃木头的行为可能发展成更严重的咬槽癖和咽气癖。Chewing on wood, can progress to the more serious condition of cribbing and wind sucking.

直到腾德快咽气时,仍嘱咐堂弟把他的工钱交给母亲。It was too late for Teng De. With his last breath, he told his cousin to pass his wages to his mother.

离开那咽气的人——那咽气声,她还不懂是什么意思!away from that man with the rattle in his throat—that rattle, the meaning of which she did not understand!

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巨人弗洛格的赞助者还没见证他最值钱的勇士如何咽气,就死于非命了。Giant Flog's benefactor was crushed to death before having to witness the demise of his most profitable warrior.

在这名女病人离世前两个小时,奥斯卡走进了她的病房,陪伴在她身边直到她咽气为止。With this, Oscar sits up, looks around, then departs the room so quietly that the grieving family barely notices.

想到此,蟹用他钳子般的前蟹扼紧鹤的喉咙,不停地撕咬,直到鹤咽气为止。Whereupon the Crab fastened his pincer-like fore claws upon the Crane's throat and tore at it until the Crane perished.