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虚拟私用网络服务?。Vnet? Virtual Private Network Service?

既然是私用,那么就可以是心里想要的任何一样东西。Play can be anything your heart desires.

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公车私用是不允许的。Using the cars for personal use is not known.

他盗用公款挪为私用。He appropriated public funds for his own private use.

可以存在有公用EMON计数器和私用EMON计数器。There may be public EMON counters and private EMON counters.

我们教会有累积的能量,所以我有私用的交通工具。Our church has an accumulated energy so I have my personal vehicle.

“这些都是供皇室成员私用的”P先生解释道。“These were for the Thai royal family’s private use, ” Mr. Prasart explained.

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挪用公款罪的犯罪本质在于公款私用。The nature of the guilt lies in misappropriating public funds for personal use.

公用和私用EMON计数器都可用于软件和硬件调谐。Both public and private EMON counters may be used for software and hardware tuning.

壁龛里有一个小小的洗脸盆和一面镜子,一扇门通往一个微型但私用的厕所间。There’s an alcove with a small sink and mirror, and a door to the tiny, but private lavatory.

此外,您需要避免为对您的应用程式而言为私用的元件强式命名。In addition, you may want to avoid strong-naming components that are private to your application.

这栋房子目前被当作一家乡村客栈用,但可以容易地改回成一所私用住宅。The house is currently run as a country inn, but could easily convert back into a private residence.

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日本版权法禁止未尽授权的上传,但也明确的允许人们下载为私用。Japan's Copyright Law prohibits unauthorized uploaders but expressly allows people to download for private use.

预防职务犯罪,从根本上说,就是要防止权力被滥用和私用。Fundamentally, to take precautions against duty crime is to prevent the office workers from abusing their power.

此飞船被称为“浮力助动航空交通工具”,它可以为客户进行客制化服务,可搭乘、可做私用,也可用来货运。The craft, described as a “bouyancy assisted air vehicle, ” can be configured for passenger, private or cargo uses.

私用的组建会类似闸道群组的核取在建置,因为您正在建置包含一个搁置集变更的程式码。A private build resembles a gated check-in build in that you are building code that includes changes in a shelveset.

独有性民主,是在私用权利的范围内,民主就是每个人都具有当家作主的权力。Private democracy is included in the scope of private rights. Democracy means each one has the right of being the master of the country.

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具体到公务车又存在配置标准不规范、私用严重、使用效率低下等问题。Specifically, the set of the official vehicles is non-standard, and mostly, it is for private use, and the use efficiency is low, and so on.

公务用车维护费用高、公车私用现象严重、使用效率低下、超编屡禁不止是目前中国公务用车的主要问题。High maintenance costs, official cars for private use, rare use, and excessiveness are four major problems in the current official car fleet.

在我报道过的许多东南亚国家,精英阶层拥有将公有土地挪为私用的特权,是人尽皆知的常态。In so many countries that I covered in Southeast Asia it was a given that the elites would take over public land as a kind of perquisite of power.